Since it launched the first Android device, Google has always been creating new names for your operating system. This year launched the Android Nougat and for the next year is prepared, the version with the letter "O".
How is it called? There are already many users through the social networks who will ask to place some kind of name typical of your country to the new Android. Among those that stand out are these:
Have the name of Android not only gives you to expand your company, but also be present in the mind of the people all of the time.
- Android 8.0 Oreo: these two cookies dark circular separated by a thin layer of vanilla cream.
- Android 8.0 Orelletes / Orellas / Ears of carnival: In many corners of the Iberian peninsula there is this dessert that has different recipes but it is still a delicious fried dough with sugar.
- Android 8.0 Orbit: the chewing gum from Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, which was invented during the Second World War. It is not a dessert but you eat also after.
- Android 8.0 Wafer: the bread, tasteless gas that is distributed in churches. It is not very sweet, but neither can we say that it is salty.
- Android 8.0 Oatmeal Cookie: Google is an american company, so the desserts americans have many ballots for this raffle. Oatmeal cookie is a cookie of oatmeal and raisins.
- Android 8.0 Orange Sorbet: orange sorbet in English. Refreshing at the same time that sweet.
As is known, all the versions of Android, the Google operating system, have names of sweets: Doughnut, Eclaire, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Created Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop and Android Marshmallow.
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