Google took advantage of the last I/O to present the second version of its platform for wearables, Android Wear 2.0. After two years with a version that was more or less in the market, at least comparatively speaking compared to its rivals, the renovation was of weight, and oriented to a specific end: do watch something more autonomous with respect to the smartphone. Access to sensors and new APIs, a small keyboard to reply to messages right from the wrist, universal access to the watchfaces, etc.
Although this delay is a setback for the platform, the need for constant updates and fast on our wrist is certainly less than in our smartphone
The reality is that during the more than four months that have passed since that presentation, Android Wear sells a frown. The scarcity of new developments in the market with this platform (in the last IFA, its presence was less than testimonial, and “the great” have already said it does not plan to launch new models with him in the rest of the year) joins the non-arrival of version 2.0. Now this absence is official: Android Wear 2.0 will not come until next year.
even So, Google has been excused by eliminating the hardware out of the equation of guilt: the reason of this delay is solely due to the inability to achieve to time the quality standards that Google requires to itself. At the same time points to the models launched recently with Android Wear by brands such as Asus, Polar or Fossil. And not without reason, but to be honest, they are marks that are distant to the impact that they can have the absent: Motorola, LG or Huawei. Of the latter already says that it is closer to embrace Tizen to continue with Android Wear. In 2017 we will see if the tables become to change.
at the time, this episode of standby for Android Wear supposed joys to, above all, Samsung, which dominates sales along with Apple, although we can not consider that the inaction of Android to cause a transfer of purchases to Apple. However, the projections are still looking at Android Wear as an actor much more relevant in the future, clawing share of sales growing to Apple, and leaving to Tizen in an awkward position, but surviving. That is what we will see in 2020.
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