Friday, September 23, 2016

The images can also infect Android devices | The … – Trade

it Is already very well known that cybercriminals hide malicious code in different files -such as Word documents – to infect our devices. However, it has begun to detect in the new file format that seemed harmless: the images (files .jpg).

This threat was discovered by the researcher of cyber-security Tim Strazzere on devices with the system Android Google. And although -apparently – is not a generalized threat, it is necessary to be aware of the dangers in the network.

The detection of the use of images as tools of infection, Google released a quick update for Android to combat the problem.

-How do I attack?-

According to Gary Davis, Chief Evangelist of Safety for Consumption on Intel Security, there is no need to open the image that contains the malicious code for the device Android is infected.

“When sending photos to your device, Android, some of these data are processed for you before you open the file. This is known as syntactic analysis in computer terms: the unpacking and separation of information,” explains Davis.

In this way, by placing the malicious code between those data that are analyzed before the opening of the picture, the criminals installed a malware to lock the user’s device and subsequently get remote access to your smartphone, Android.

Davis recommends being careful on social networks and think twice before agreeing to go down to the computer all the file type.

“For that to work this trick of the photo on your device Android, someone has to send you a picture. How do they do it? Probably through a message of Facebook or other chat application. So, think of security as layers: in the perimeter basic, just don’t let people get in touch with you. This also protects against bullying in social media”, underlined the expert.


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