Colombia, El Tiempo / GDA
From the past many people will remember the existence of interesting games , which gave his plots and gameplay long hours of entertainment.
For those people who are loyal fans of the retro trend, below is a list of five titles that will play from your Android phone and that surely will bring many memories of his childhood.
Space Invaders
It is considered one of the most important games ever since helped to expand the industry games .
It was presented in June 1978 for arcade machines, in which the player must control a cannon from left to kill Martians.
Legend has it that was so successful and the rise of this title, which managed to leave without Coins to Japan at the time.
Charlie Circus
This title was released in 1984 by the company Konami, in principle, for arcades, then for the Nintendo NES and later for PlayStation among other consoles.
The goal of this game was to guide a clown for six levels including fire rings, rope walking, jumping on balls, riding a horse and do a trapeze act.
Duck Hunt
This game was developed by Nintendo for the NES, where the user must use a light gun (sold as accessory) to shoot the ducks that fly screen.
Duck Hunt was released worldwide in 1984 and at first was not very well received because they made apology to hunt animals.
Out Run
Fans of racing games can hardly forget Out Run, the first title in history that allowed usuarioelegir background music.
It was launched in 1986 and aimed to go five stages before the time finish. To do this, it was necessary to run a red Ferrari convertible avoiding a series of obstacles.
We end this top with a game that marked several generations, it’s Doom, a game of FPS developed in 1993 by the company ID Software for DOS.
The goal was to eliminate a series of monsters and demons in space.
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