In a kind of technological “spoiler” on Spectre , the new film 007 which opens on Thursday, slipped James Bond used here with a Sony Xperia Z5 Marshmallow Android. However, as was common knowledge, the actor Daniel Craig talked a lot in the pre-tape awaited 24th in the series of spy, and among other things protested the use of an Android device device as “James Bond uses only the best. “
In April, a report from Business Insider confirmed that Sony Craig initially offered $ 5 million to use the Z4 in the film. As the actor refused, Sony increased the price of commitment to marketing to 18 million, while Samsung proposed to pay 50 million in marketing activities and promotional packaging because of the movie, plus 5 million for that Bond used a smartphone Korean brand.
“Beyond the monetary factor there, as you know, a creative factor that Sam and Daniel does not close the idea of a Sony phone to film (thought, subjectively and objectively is that James Bond uses only the best, and in their minds Sony is not ‘the best’ phone), “wrote Andrew Gumpert, president of business and operations of Columbia Pictures, in an exchange of emails that was later leaked.
In short, it seems that those details were finished and weighing not less important than the astronomical figure offered as Bond uses a Z5 in Spectre. Small wonder accommodate 4K shooting and playing in Spain is sold at 800 euros.
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