In 2011, Apple debuted their version of iOS 5, which included one of the most important developments of recent times. It was the addition of the Siri personal assistant . With the ability to interpret voice commands and make our experience with the device is more natural and efficient, Siri became one of the most popular applications. However, their popularity also generated a wave “imitators” to replicate the performance of the application. Personal assistants for Android , for example, were the rage.
Many companies
smartphone manufacturers decided to follow the same move initiated by Apple and present some alternative native to their teams. This is the case of LG, Samsung and Motorola, whose terminals are equipped with personal assistants with voice recognition, or Google Now , from the creators of the OS. At the same time, many developers worked independently on alternatives that are not associated with a particular computer. Today we will review these alternatives, with this list of personal assistants for Android that offer a copy, good, Siri, besides having own personality and color .
Dragon Mobile Assistant
The first on our list of personal assistants for Android is Dragon Mobile Assistant , an interesting alternative that allows us to do a variety of actions to turn your smartphone into something really useful for our daily life. Dragon is a virtual assistant with a very good performance of speech to text so that the computer can interpret what you’re telling us. Thus, from the application we will be able start a series of specific actions that are part of daily interaction with the phone.
are many things we can do through Dragon, not distance themselves too much from the actions carried out thanks to Siri. For example, send text messages (saying “Tell John I’ll be there in five minutes”), write an email, create a calendar event, do updates to Facebook and Twitter , use the maps to get directions, share the location we have with friends, find our friends based on their location, automatic dialing, reading text messages while you’re driving, and more. Download
EVA is a paid application that also acts as a personal assistant. While the icon is quite disturbing, has some interesting things to warrant putting it in this list. For example, we have different versions. On one hand, the full version, EVA Assistant , and on the other, her male counterpart EVAN If you want it to be another the tone we hear our actions. Also, if we do not want to pay for an assistant like this, we have the option to download the EVA Intern which is free.
What we’ll be able to do with EVA? Just as many of these applications, integrates with terminal functionality to provide a complete experience without us having to touch the screen. Among other things, we can read and reply to text messages, perform actions through Google Voice, answering emails, to Exchange, reply to messages from Google Talk, and more, proving that we are in presence of a very social assistant . If this was not enough, it also has integration with Google+, Evernote, and Tasker. Download
With a name as straightforward as this, we can imagine that Assistant will meet our needs, and also has an icon much more subtle than we can find in the previous application. Assistant is one of the most popular personal assistant for Android, and this has its reasons. Above all, thanks to customization options we have when we are navigating and using the application, but also thanks to its effective use of natural language. It also has integration with many popular services like Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, and more).
proposal is to provide an intelligent assistant to take care of our needs. Thus, for example, memory Assistant has our actions , and “remembers” what are our favorite places, our favorite services, and allows us to make intelligent decisions based on our environment and our previous behavior. So, does operate in a personalized manner. Also, thanks to the implementation of natural language, it is necessary to learn specific commands to interact with the application, but can be done directly without risk of misunderstanding. Download
personal assistants for Android, Skyvi can be considered royalty. Not only by the aesthetics of the application interface, but also because it focuses on some aspects of the above applications to excel in a service. A pity that even in the name of the application, it says it is Siri for Android, as it can be confusing for those who expect an equivalent. Skyvi made a name in its own right and we can see why it is one of the obvious choices.
However, we can also see the commonalities you have with Siri and the other alternatives we’re listing. For example, you can send text messages using your voice, without touching the screen, find places through the web and automatically call-a particularly useful for those who travel a lot due to work-, find directions, call our contacts , play music, get weather forecasts for the area at the time, and dictation functionality. Finally, to have the ability to make witty comments and tell the odd joke. Download
Finally, we close our list of personal assistants for Android with Evi , another sympathetic character that we can organize some issues and actions within the terminal. Evi is a free, no extra charges once downloaded, working with artificial intelligence to be our assistant and right hand in all things we do when we interact with a smartphone. Instead of working as a search engine, Evi understands what we want and gives us detailed information and “digested”, instead of a list of potential outcomes.
Siri, Evi going to be able to do many things using our voice, without touching the screen. First, we will be able to chat with Evi, ask some information from our location, browse the internet from an integrated browser, and more. One of the points against Evi is only available in English, and in regard to the information located, can only provide it for Britain and the United States. However, if we are conversant in English should not be a problem, and you have good information to share if you usually take internet to find references. Download