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class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology
An elegant media center with Android, macbook electronic ink displays, novel designs floating mice and speakers were some striking devices Computex Taipei 2013
Not only was there class=”primero”>
Among the many exhibitors who had the event, which was divided between two sites, a good measure of the most important gadgets were the various categories that Computex stressed in his contest d & i Awards 2013, with the winning products at general.
There stood
equipment known in the industry, such as the smart watch and console Pebble Shield of Nvidia.
There were also several ingenious devices such as electronic ink cover Inkcase Gajah and TV media center Oaxis Loop of the same firm. Also original creations could be seen as a pen stylus for tablets Promate, with Bluetooth and Hands-free wireless microphone and video recordings of a tablet or smartphone. The same company also introduced a magnetic ultrathin keyboard for the iPhone 5, also based on the Bluetooth wireless technology. .
25 MAR
smart: change song as your mood
computers with touch controls, motion sensors latching themselves and others using the bones of the skull to transmit sound
27 APR
robots are no longer science fiction
A robotic hand a motorized mini-submarine and jellyfish were the stars of the technology fair in Hannover
23 APR
inventions the world curious and unusual
International Fair held in Switzerland, the creators had from teddies connect via wi-fi to agrochemical protective suits and umbrella equipped with a handsfree system
13 APR
A perfect alarm clock slackers
The device requires typing a key to turn off the alarm, in addition, the robot Geminoid visit Hong Kong and New York installs touch screens in public
27 MAR
From smartphone
pet in one step
Japanese company Bandai introduced the Smartpet, a cute puppy binge that leverages the iPhone’s front camera to recognize gestures
in case you missed it
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name=”servicioBomba” received by mail news impacting
class=”fecha” class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology class=”bajada” An elegant media center with Android, macbook electronic ink displays, novel designs floating mice and speakers were some striking devices Computex Taipei 2013 Not only was there class=”primero”> class=”destacado”> Among the many exhibitors who had the event, which was divided between two sites, a good measure of the most important gadgets were the various categories that Computex stressed in his contest d & i Awards 2013, with the winning products at general. There stood equipment known in the industry, such as the smart watch and console Pebble Shield of Nvidia. There were also several ingenious devices such as electronic ink cover Inkcase Gajah and TV media center Oaxis Loop of the same firm. Also original creations could be seen as a pen stylus for tablets Promate, with Bluetooth and Hands-free wireless microphone and video recordings of a tablet or smartphone. The same company also introduced a magnetic ultrathin keyboard for the iPhone 5, also based on the Bluetooth wireless technology. . Geekmanía http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 1:07 25 MAR Headphones There computers with touch controls, motion sensors latching themselves and others using the bones of the skull to transmit sound http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 00:01 27 APR A robotic hand a motorized mini-submarine and jellyfish were the stars of the technology fair in Hannover http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 2:30 23 APR International Fair held in Switzerland, the creators had from teddies connect via wi-fi to agrochemical protective suits and umbrella equipped with a handsfree system http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 10:40 13 APR The device requires typing a key to turn off the alarm, in addition, the robot Geminoid visit Hong Kong and New York installs touch screens in public http://www.lanacion.com.arTecnología 9:46 27 MAR From smartphone Japanese company Bandai introduced the Smartpet, a cute puppy binge that leverages the iPhone’s front camera to recognize gestures TECHNOLOGY AS SEEN class=”temas”> TOPICS TODAY in train crash death Angeles CastelarLa RawsonCausa armasElecciones 2013
smart: change song as your mood
robots are no longer science fiction
inventions the world curious and unusual
A perfect alarm clock slackers
pet in one step
in case you missed it
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