Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How piracy is changing videogames Android - The Android Free


Recently we have seen an improvement in the market for video games on Android. For starters, we know that Android has become a platform to consider for developers, a large market they have to exploit best but if done right, can provide succulent rewards. Result, each day there are more titles on Google Play. In addition, Google has not stood still and has released new APIs for developers to implement achievements, rankings, and more standardized elements across the platform.

However, there are still bad news. It is clear that although the Android gaming market is better today than a year ago, still has much to improve. Butterscotch Developers Shenanigans data bring us a somewhat disappointing: e l 95% of the copies of your games installed on Android devices are pirate , more than 34,000 units. When comparing the same game on iOS, things do not look good: only 5% of the existing copies of their games are pirated, just under 2500 units.

are bad data, there is no doubt. And it is clear that you can do something more about it. However, the developers are aware that both markets are different . The price of your game Towelfight 2 is the same on both platforms, $ 0.99 (and Europe is even cheaper version of Android due to currency exchange rates). equal price, iOS users seem to be more willing to pay , while Android prefer free alternatives.


is why Butterscotch Shenanigans plans to change its business model in Android, going to offer only games free to play . That is, free games but with a lot of micropayments for various gameplay elements. The Android market has shown that it is more likely to drop cash for these items , rather than buy a complete set.

is a business strategy that most traditional players deny, and even in the networks is known under the term “Pay to win” , a model in which only those who are willing to pay more can enjoy the full experience. It is indeed a shame that the business model of gaming has reached such extremes, not only on Android but on all platforms, but its success is undeniable . At quarter end, the companies did not analyze whether the players are happy, only analyze the amount of money they have earned.

Of course, there are many skeptics with the figures we have shown, the first server. The problem with these figures is that they tend to agree with reality. Telling a hacked unit as a lost sale is a fallacy that has been denied in many studies of the industry itself. Moreover, one wonders how many people would installed a pirated version if a demo version of Towelfight 2 was available .

take risky decisions based on incomplete data without context is dangerous, but the truth is that other developers have gone the way of the free to play with much success . In the end, all the power is in the hands of the players, they should financially support developers who believe good works paying a fair price for them.

Source | Slashgear


Requires Android 2.1 or higher

Version: 1.1.8

Size: 30M


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