Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Connect any USB modem any Android tablet [root] - The Android Free


Usually when we are working with our laptop or our WiFi tablet out there and we need to connect to the internet, all we need to do to enjoy internet tethering on the device. But what happens when we need to be connected for a long time? Our main enemy is supposed battery drain from your smartphone tethering, apart from the great consumption of data that comes from being so long connected. If we are that much internet use in such cases, sure we have one of the famous “tapas”.

popularly called “spikes” are USB modems that the operators given as a promotion for a data plan, or as an alternative to its own data plan. Usually, these peripherals are not entirely compatible with Android tablets. And can be a great nuisance need to use the modem and that our tablet not recognize it.

One XDA Forero, Bhaskar1109 , has discovered a way to circumvent this incompatibility, enabling any Android tablet can use these modems to connect to the internet via mobile network . The process may seem a little complicated, but if you have experience in playing some system files, root and we know we operate the terminal on the PC and the tablet, everything will go smoothly.

one process need to install APK on the tablet and two scripts , which will be those who will get into the system. Just as some folders and files to modify. Everything is within this compressed file recommend downloading before starting the process .

Getting Started


To create compatibility, we put the USB modem in “modem only” ( modem-only ). This means that if the modem has mass storage service (we can use as pendrive ), we will lose that feature. To do this, we find a way to do it on the network. Since each model modem has its own system . Normally, this is send some commands through Terminal of Windows, so it should not bring too many problems.

Next, we find the “ vine ” and “ pid ” modem. This we can achieve by going to the Windows notification bar , opening context menu on the modem icon (right click) and entering Modem – Properties – Details .

Once targeted the “ vine ” and “ pid ” modem, need a file manager application. We ESFileExplorer worth , Solid Explorer or similar. I must emphasize that each file manager has a way to get root access. For ES File Explorer must give permission in the settings menu . In Solid Explorer , however, root access asked us when we do an operation that required .

we have installed our file manager on the tablet and we will surely have permissions to root to access the entire system, we have to go directory / system / bin / and add a line to the file.

echo “19d2 1176″> / sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id

19d2 Where is the “vine” modem and the 1176 is the “pid” . Only have to change those digits we by targeted above.

Reboot the tablet

file you downloaded, there is a folder called “peers “. Open the conf-file and write our NPC chat where applicable.

When the tablet does not recognize the modem will not generate ttyUSB files that are necessary to communicate with the modem. In the previous step, change the file so it now recognizes the modem model and generate ttyUSB files . If we want to ensure we can check the operation writing in Android terminal emulator (on the Play Store) the command “dmesg ” (without quotes). We drove down and see ttyUSB ports generated as the capture. If this is checked successfully, we half work done .


Now we find which port is the port pppd because we need to put in conf-pppd of the folder peers . Open conf-pppd with Wordpad and see it says that the port is “ ttyUSB1 “. That’s because in this example, the port is 1, so no more changes need to connect. If our port out “ ttyUSB2 should change this line and put the obvious. That is, “ ttyUSB2 “.


ttyUSB port

To determine which port

ttyUSB is the we use have to open two windows in Android terminal emulator . In the first window will busybox tr-s’ n “. Where “x” is the first port generated by our modem.


Now, in the second window will echo-e “ATI r”> / dev / ttyUSBx . Where “x” is the same as we put in the previous window.


quickly see an OK in the first window . If you do not see anything in the first window, we disconnect the modem and reconnect it to use the next port. If we do not answer, we repeat the process connect-disconnect-put next port as many times as necessary . If, on the contrary, everything goes well and respond, move on.


We return to the second window and put echo-e “AT + CGDCONT = 1, ” IP “, ” www ” r”> / dev / ttyUSBx . Where “x” is the port opened and the “ www ” is our NPC. In the first window we should come out a OK .


done that, we put in the second echo-e “ATDT * 99 # r”> / dev / ttyUSBx . We will see, in the first window, the connection to the output port. If, instead, we see a ERROR , is that the port is not put pppd right . Disconnect and connect the modem and try the next port until we get the message “CONNECT” on the first screen .


If we get the message

CONNECT with ttyUSB1 , then left the conf-pppd as is . If not, then change the first line conf-pppd , putting the port that has given us the result satisfactory.


Once done, copy the folder peers in / etc / ppp / , in memory of the device. Then, install the application GScript_mod.apk . The open and add the two scripts that are in the folder GScript ( and ). One is used to enable the connection and the other to disable. GScript folder also should be copied to the internal memory to find the scripts from the application.

Finally, reboot the tablet . Insert the new modem. GScript Open the application and give it to “run” the .


If all goes well and we followed the instructions to the letter, we provide our modem Internet access . Although developer recognizes that there is a bug in the process , is that the tablet not display an icon of “active mobile data” in the status bar .



I’ve tried it with a Transformer TF101 and I lost the pearls. While it is true that is a little confusing , not very complicated once you follow the steps that are explained and tranquility. We hope you have been helpful and everything went smoothly.

For more information and support there is an official thread on XDA Forum.

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