Saturday, June 15, 2013

Android will be investigated by the European Commission on possible ... -

European Commission

returns to lay eyes on Google and possible antitrust practices , but now it’s the turn Android, its operating system for phones. Nokia and Microsoft top the complaint against Google and Android to understand that their ways are given a disproportionate advantage in the marketplace. It also accused the Internet giant of force manufacturers to delay the launch of Windows Phone devices.According

our peers tell us MovilZona , the European Commission is investigating alleged anti-competitive practices of Google , with the aim of increase the market share of Android operating system. The accusation has been released by Microsoft and Nokia who denounce these practices against the Commission, that the organ which should ensure fair competition within the territory of the European Union.

They accuse

Android license for manufacturers of mobile terminals below the actual cost . Addition indicate that Google puts pressure on manufacturers to install these applications , as the case of YouTube, than the Mountain View take some huge benefits.

The Commission should come to judge whether Google has violated any rule Community about the competition at the time of licensing its Android operating system to manufacturers. Nokia and Microsoft believe that this is a misleading way to obtain benefits for the 70% of the global share , a figure that holds this system now.


Google looks radically different, claiming that Android is an open platform that fosters competition from manufacturers of phones, companies and consumers. They can decide how to use Android and install applications on their handsets. For now, they start a research do not know if will come out ahead.

What opinis

the complaint filed by Nokia and Microsoft against Android?

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