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content=”Domingo class=”fecha” itemprop=”datePublished” 2013″> May 26 Sunday May 26, 2013 | 10:19
class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology
The company announced it will no longer accept paid apps in their store Play made in the country, argues local payment problems
was a surprise Friday afternoon: at that time the local site Gizmodo reported that several developers had applications Argentine received a letter in which Google communicated his decision to stop accepting paid applications made in Argentina for the Play Store (which caters to Android phones).
Yes you can still post titles in your store at no cost, but paid apps should be removed or modified, to become free-before June 27, or be removed from the inventory. The last shipment of payments due from the sale of software will be on July 22. Applications will not be accepted freemium type, which are offered free but have internal content to sell.
This does not affect software that has originated in another country but is acquired in Argentina, but to the worldwide sale of applications made in the country, and has to do with paying that Google does to the programmers after collecting his commission from the sale.
Celularis site reproduces the text-in English-sent to the developers, who do not report the reasons for the decision, but clarified that the company does not rule out returning Argentine accepting applications in your store.
Google support page for developers, however, is a bit more clear: in the first line of a text devoted specifically to this situation states: “ due to the obstacles that currently exist to make payments Argentina, we will no longer pay to Play Google programmers who are in the country “.
text abounds in details, but many interpret the decision as associated FX market as purchase transactions and applications royalty payments are made in dollars (the entire operation is processed in the United States). At the same time, no problems to enter these foreign earnings to pay programmers, which increases the unknown.
alternative beyond the text present on the Google site, is that it is a reorganization of the company’s business strategy.
Thus, modification of the payment platform of the firm, now called Google Wallet (and exceeds the sale of applications and includes subscriptions and electronic banking) and competes with PayPal imply a new organization that does not include, for now – to Argentina. Only 31 countries are members of this platform, the representatives of Latin America are Mexico and Brazil (Argentina contained in the list until a couple of weeks).
By the time the news spread, the NATION got no answer from the company’s local subsidiary, though unofficially advanced that it would be a decision to parent, and not something local. Monday is expected to clarify the outlook for local developers. .
26 MAY
Asus (and all Taiwan), between PCs and tablets
The company faces changes in the industry in a country marked by the culture of engineering and manufacturing for U.S. companies, but with little experience in the field of innovation
25 MAY
Who would you trust your memories?
We took thousands of photos and store but those files can vanish in an instant. One of the simplest and most practical solutions is the backup in the cloud. Here, Dropbox, Drive, Skydrive and iCloud
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fails, the backup should be autonomous
25 MAY
Mail readers: How to move a Windows disk
addition, a smartphone from Huawei, a comic online and a keypad for Android
25 MAY
times of crisis, Microsoft continues to campaign
under U.S. console sales came the Xbox One
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content=”Domingo class=”fecha” itemprop=”datePublished” 2013″> May 26 Sunday May 26, 2013 | 10:19
class=”conHidden” itemprop=”articleSection”> Technology
The company announced it will no longer accept paid apps in their store Play made in the country, argues local payment problems
One tablet Nexus 10 and Nexus smartphone 4, both use the Android operating system. Photo: File
was a surprise Friday afternoon: at that time the local site Gizmodo reported that several developers had applications Argentine received a letter in which Google communicated his decision to stop accepting paid applications made in Argentina for the Play Store (which caters to Android phones).
Yes you can still post titles in your store at no cost, but paid apps should be removed or modified, to become free-before June 27, or be removed from the inventory. The last shipment of payments due from the sale of software will be on July 22. Applications will not be accepted freemium type, which are offered free but have internal content to sell.
This does not affect software that has originated in another country but is acquired in Argentina, but to the worldwide sale of applications made in the country, and has to do with paying that Google does to the programmers after collecting his commission from the sale.
Celularis site reproduces the text-in English-sent to the developers, who do not report the reasons for the decision, but clarified that the company does not rule out returning Argentine accepting applications in your store.
Google support page for developers, however, is a bit more clear: in the first line of a text devoted specifically to this situation states: “ due to the obstacles that currently exist to make payments Argentina, we will no longer pay to Play Google programmers who are in the country “.
text abounds in details, but many interpret the decision as associated FX market as purchase transactions and applications royalty payments are made in dollars (the entire operation is processed in the United States). At the same time, no problems to enter these foreign earnings to pay programmers, which increases the unknown.
alternative beyond the text present on the Google site, is that it is a reorganization of the company’s business strategy.
Thus, modification of the payment platform of the firm, now called Google Wallet (and exceeds the sale of applications and includes subscriptions and electronic banking) and competes with PayPal imply a new organization that does not include, for now – to Argentina. Only 31 countries are members of this platform, the representatives of Latin America are Mexico and Brazil (Argentina contained in the list until a couple of weeks).
By the time the news spread, the NATION got no answer from the company’s local subsidiary, though unofficially advanced that it would be a decision to parent, and not something local. Monday is expected to clarify the outlook for local developers. .
26 MAY
Asus (and all Taiwan), between PCs and tablets
The company faces changes in the industry in a country marked by the culture of engineering and manufacturing for U.S. companies, but with little experience in the field of innovation
25 MAY
Who would you trust your memories?
We took thousands of photos and store but those files can vanish in an instant. One of the simplest and most practical solutions is the backup in the cloud. Here, Dropbox, Drive, Skydrive and iCloud
25 MAY
fails, the backup should be autonomous
25 MAY
Mail readers: How to move a Windows disk
addition, a smartphone from Huawei, a comic online and a keypad for Android
25 MAY
times of crisis, Microsoft continues to campaign
under U.S. console sales came the Xbox One
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