Thursday, May 16, 2013

Android stronger than ever against iOS and Samsung with 95% of ... - The Android Free


all know that smartphones territory is in battle and each time the accounts are most competitive, but we often forget how much of odds. Today Google, as a must in a keynote, has highlighted the current situation: 900 million activations of Android devices today and 48 billion apps downloaded.

Android battle

is a long path that Google has gone from a smartphone to be considered a “poor” to take watching front phones without front camera blur to iPhone, and even surpassing it in many ways. But if there is something that differentiates Android from the competition is the variety, both terminals as manufacturers. That’s why we talk about activations generally not enough. So let’s talk about market shares: according to IDC (company dedicated to technology statistics) long Android has surpassed iOS, to the point that the first quarter of 2013 to 75 % of smartphones sold were Android.


This is consistent with what one might expect given that during this period there have been some important devices in all ranges , especially the high end, but obviously do not get many sales, attracts much advertising and users. The HTC One, the Xperia Z and the announcement of the Galaxy S4 may be “guilty” of this data. All this adds all new software we saw today : mutlidispositivo multiplatform messaging, synchronization between devices, new and improved official apliaciones, play center … The truth is that only Android have to keep doing what he does for users in a market that is increasing, so that no matter which iOS also grow with a lower rate.




trend continues when we look at sales by manufacturer in question, because Samsung is the manufacturer with the largest number of units sold. As you hear it: during the first quarter Samsung has surpassed Apple in smartphone sales : Samsung 30% and 18% of Apple , almost double. In terms of profits, Apple and Samsung share the cake, but this time Apple surpasses Koreans with 57% of total revenue versus 40%. It would probably be less remarkable were it not that also this point last year, Apple had twice the benefit that Samsung. All other manufacturers just have a high enough numbers to appear in the table. LG is the third largest manufacturer , but that’s not saying much when barely has a 4.8% market share.

cifras_ventas4 samsung_profits_android

To be objective we should remember that the iPhone 5 will be presented to the second week of September 2012. On the other hand the Galaxy S4 did not begin selling until very late in the first quarter and the previous high-end phone from Samsung is the Note II to be submitted two weeks after the iPhone. So we’re talking sales above terminals presented as much the same month, again seems that Samsung will simply follow the momentum that leads . This leaves Samsung with 95% the benefits of Android sales, so it’s a good time to study the relationship between Google and Samsung.

The relationship between Samsung and Google: Samsung Galaxy S4 Google Edition


Probably the relationship between the two has never been better. Samsung and Android have outisde far together, but after the presentation of S4, we’re going to cheat, people smelled storm winds : the lack of the word throughout keynote Android seemed predict that Samsung wanted to separate from Android as soon as possible. For not only has not happened, but Google and Samsung are going to get something very much like a Nexus . Hell, is a Nexus! Not be named, but it is a phone which to think Google will take care of the software and, we assume, that includes updates as soon as they come out of the oven in Mountain View.

The reason to take a phone “Google Edition” instead of a Nexus is definitely the necessity, or rather, the lack of need for Samsung to get a Nexus. Recall that in the manufacture of the Nexus, Google has relatively high control on costs, price and design. Samsung has much of the work already done: design found with which they feel comfortable and want to keep it (even if it makes them get charged with S3 +) and not want to remove terminal reduced costs , which could hurt your brand. So you will not have to Google for hardware designer or engineer, but software issues will be a Nexus.


The numbers do not lie: Android is downwind sailing and all, and all that added merely accelerate the process. Furthermore, with this last conference, Google not only highlights how well things are going, but also ensures that their best player (by far) is going to be at home. A movement that gives much both investors tranquility users , shut all the rumors that rose and offered the best terminal (or one of the best) market in Nexus format. And after today we can say two things: we have Android Android for awhile and will only improve with time. Long live Android

Source | BusinessWire and Strategy Analytics

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