Monday, May 13, 2013

Sundar Pichai revealed his plans for the future of Android - The Android Free


Sundar Pichai, which we know because we did a monograph, is the director in charge of the course after leaving Android Andy Rubin. In a juicy interview, Sundar reveals some more interesting details about what Android has to offer during the Google I / O and does not go very misguided than it already intuited. Few important developments and focus on developers and Google services. Strengthen and support the ecosystem.

The first point you want to clarify is that Sundar Chrome OS and Android will not converge. Although it seemed that would be so, Pichai said that for now not happen, but does not rule out the relationship between the two operating systems is somewhat narrower and begin to share some code between them.

Another Pichai spoken of in this interview is the evolution of Android. According to Pichai, are focusing on improving the ecosystem and user experience , while recognizing that freedom Android feature is something that greatly limits . Is a challenge to provide a great user experience and ecosystem strong in all Android devices in the world without freedom green robot system is harmed.

“Here’s the challenge: without changing the open nature of Android, how do we help Improve the whole world’s end-user experience?”

Sundar also talked about the overwhelming dominance of Samsung in the Android world, saying it’s something they do not care . Sundar says that is common in large “structures” and that does not harm the ecosystem that Google wants to create. To argue this, states that Microsoft, HP and Intel maintain very close relations with each other and dominate the computer market, however it has not hurt any of the three companies.

Regarding the impending

Google I / O, Sundar Pichai has revealed that this year will be very focused on developers and how Google services are working to go further and offer more possibilities for developers, will not find big news for the user. Perhaps the next version of the Nexus 7 and 4 with LTE Nexus (which are almost confirmed) are smaller additions to the current Android head.


??These statements leave us two things clear: that Android and Chrome will begin to strengthen relations and in this I / O, Google will focus on strengthening the ecosystem Android rather than revolutionize it.

Source | Wired

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