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After announcing the purchase of Tumblr by 1,100 million dollars, Yahoo! announced yesterday a new Flickr redesign which also provides users with new features that make the platform attractive to do.
entry, photographic social network has expanded to all users who do not pay for the service the space available on the net. Now, crowd can upload photos and videos to your hard disk HD 1TB virtual , which strikes 500px, its direct competition. To get an idea of ??how much space means users will be able to upload more than 537,000 pictures at 6.5 megapixels. | PDA Channel: Yahoo! Strikes Back
Currently, users with account Pro continue their status until they Caduceus their own, but may be changed to free until August 20.
However, Flickr has finished with the current payment models and has launched two new services Premium. The first, under the name of Ad Free , costs 49, $ 99 per year and allows you to block advertising. While doublr, the second year costs $ 499.99 and provides 1TB of additional storage to users. With these price increases on premium modes seems clear that Yahoo! will focus with culture Flickr freemium model based on advertising for most users , which will be complemented very professionalized users who do pay for using these special services.
Besides space, Flickr has also been redesigned to offer something “espectaculr” , offering users to upload photos in high resolution and gaining ground in the design so that your pictures look great on the web .
also intend to compete on the field mobile Flickr has released a complete application for Android allowing users to upload their images immediately from the phone to the web. And, now the three chambers where more pictures are sent to the platform is the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPhone 4.
The intent of the CEO, Marissa Mayer, this series of changes is that Flickr “is amazing again. was awesome once and languishing.” According to Mayer, the service that Yahoo! bought in 2008 for $ 35 million, “did not fare as well with the changes,” however, yesterday redesigning Flickr has “a great differentiator”.
offices in New York Times
Another innovation that appeared yesterday Marissa Mayer company were its new offices in New York for its 500 employees in the Big Apple. Now, the portal will be based in the old newspaper building ocuba New York Times and have room to expand its staff to 200 people.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said being “very proud” of this announcement, as well as the purchase of Tumblr, as it is a major reference start-ups in the city, so that “we are also excited,” Bloomberg djo.
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