In the Google I / O now completed this year, Google introduced Android Studio, a new IDE or” program schedule “Operating System Green Android. For now, advanced programmers are pricing very well Android Studio, and even though it is an incomplete version, have stopped using Eclipse in favor. Today in The Free Android help you make your first steps with him .
Download File
At the risk of writing something obvious, the first thing you should do is download the application to be able to install it. You can do it in the following link:
Studio – Link to Download
Windows Installation
the same page the download link you can find the installation instructions. is as simple as double-clicking on the executable and follow the steps in the installer .
On some computers with Windows 7 and Windows 8 , problems may arise during installation (the installation program is not Java) or at startup (you click on the executable and not open once installed). To solve them, gone to menu Start, Computer, System Properties on the top, Advanced System Settings on the left and on the Advanced Options tab, the button below, Environment Variables.
In the window that will open, go to the box below System Variables. You press on new and add:
class=”c28″> JDK_HOME in the box “Variable name”
Accept in and try again. If not installed you now if recognized Java and unless you started, now you will.
MAC Installation
Once downloaded, open DMG file extension and move the folder to be created for the application folder. Once done, you are ready to run.
Linux Installation
First download the file and decompress the file with TGZ in the location you prefer to . Android Open Studio id to “android-studio/bin/” You can add an environment variable to this directory for easy access.
Starting the application
Well, we have already installed Android Studio , now, let’s try it. Just start the program, will tell us if we want to import data from another IDE like Eclipse, for example. This have to select the folder where we have our projects and import .
Once done, it will open a window where you have some options. Among them, open or create a new project.
Suppose you want to create a new one. Highlight your New Project . If we get a message as friendly as you see then nothing happens. Be fixed.
You press down on Configure, then Project Defaults, and then on Project Structure . Inside you can select the SDK you have. For example, in the folder with Eclipse ADT or Users / “tuperfil” / Appdata / Local / Android /. Those are two of the places where it is installed by default, but can you’ve decided to keep the SDK in another place when you instalasteis. Do make sure to hit “Apply” before aceptar.Una Once done (It is possible that you may have to close and open Android Stuido) we can start.
You see, must add a name to the application in the first box . Then the module name, which usually bear the same name, but of course you can change it, and afterwards, the name application package , important for the ID to the time of upload to the Play Store.
Also, we will choose minimum SDK version we want to use for the application. If we want an application reaches the maximum possible audience, must choose the oldest , but you should also keep in mind that we resolve all compatibility issues that have all versions in which our application is available. We know that pre-Froyo versions have bugs and incompatibilities. So ideally selected as minimum SDK, Froyo 2.2 or Gingerbread 2.3.x .
Then must choose the version that is directed our app , the ideal in this case is choose that version in which there are more devices , but without giving improvements that occur in most current. So a good idea to opt for ICS or Jelly Bean 4.04 4.1.2 .
Then we choose SDK version with which to compile our application . Here, can only choose the most reciente.Por now, Jelly Bean 4.2.2 , but soon to be 4.3.
Now we can choose which styles Holo we like more. Dark, clear, or clear with the new dark side menu .
mark the three options below, the first indicates that you want to use a custom icon for the application. The second, create an Activity for your application in the terminal (or emulator). And the third shows you want create a library for an application already created or you want to use in your phone outside of an application therefore is not an application to use.
If you checked the option to Custom icon , you will see a window like the one above. Here you have all the options you need to create the icon.
In Image, you can upload a picture to use as application launcher . Clipart, you can choose between different symbols and icons. And to Text, you can put make an icon for the application with letters more or less adorned.In line with this, we must say that every time our Smartphones screens are larger and have greater resolution , for this reason it is desirable to use an icon that looks good in HD resolutions or Full-HD . If we properly without appearing pixelated icon XXHDPI , we can be sure that be viewed properly on any device , including tablets.
Once done, we can move to the next window. Here we can choose the type main window will our application . Our choice will depend, to some extent, the remainder of the application.
- Namely, we usual or Blank window , in which we have a top bar where the menu will include the title and “back”. Below, all the window belong to the contents of the application.
The fourth is
Once chosen a type of window, we can choose the name for the Activity and primary Layer of the window. We may also choose to tabs style we want for our application. No tabs, Fixed, movable or cascade .
Well, we finished the previous steps and we can start coding the application to our liking. What do you think of when Android Studio?
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