Google has just introduced the update of the Android 7.1.2 Nougat, which becomes the latest version of the operating system Android. After the arrival of Android 7.1.1 there for the last few weeks of the past year, 2016, the company has decided to launch a new update for all owners of a good portion of the devices of the Nexus family.
The Android update 7.1.2 has already begun to be distributed via the Android Beta Program, which offers early access to the versions in testing of updates for this operating system. In comparison to all the innovations that brought the first update of Nougat, this new version of Android 7.1.2 do not let be small changes aimed at fix some errors detected to date in Nougat.
The owners of a Google Pixel, Pixel, XL, Pixel C, Nexus 6P, Nexus 5 or Nexus Player can prepare to receive this update in the course of the next few weeks, although we cannot confirm any specific date, because Google has limited itself to say that the official distribution will start "in a few months."
Android 7.1.2 Nougatis, in a nutshell, an update-oriented polishing errors of little importance. Google points out that this version brings some improvements for operators and the users", but points out that we are before an update, "focusing on small improvements." The Mountain View do not mention the specific bugs that it fixes this update, so it is assumed that it is of faults of minor importance that have not so far assumed major headaches to the community.
The Pixel XL, one of the mobile that you already have access to version Beta Android 7.1.2, it is precisely the phone that we were able to try will thing of something more than a month. At that time I already had the latest version of Android, the Android 7.1.1, and now becomes to be one of the privileged few to have the most recent update of the entire market.
yes: the update is in testing phase means that still it is not at all polished, which means that may cause some errors users who choose to install it to make a daily use of your Nexus/Pixel. It is advisable, therefore, do not install the update until it is available in the form of a final version.
anyone who wants to join the Beta Program of Android you can go to the page to subscribe to the official updates in testing that launched the company, so long as one meets the requirement of possessing any of the Google mobile. In the future, this update should also be distributed in mobile phones of other manufacturers.
This Monday, Google announced the latest version of its Android operating system, 7.1.2, but unlike the previous occasions, the Nexus 6 and the Nexus 9 were not announced as part of the devices that can test the beta version and not as devices that will receive the final version of 7.1.2 in the coming months.
Google announced the Pixel, the Pixel XL, Nexus 6P, Nexus 5, Nexus Player, and Pixel C would be the devices that can be used from today to test Android 7.1.2 and that will be the devices scheduled to receive the final version of this update to Android in a couple of months.
Generally, the company does not officially confirmed the end of updates for their devices, but taking into consideration that revealed several months ago that these two devices would complete the update support Android in October 2016, it makes sense that you excluded on this occasion.
did not Yet get Android 7.0 or 7.1 Nougat? Visit our guide with dates and other information of the update to Android Nougat for cell phones here.
Google on Monday announced the new update for Android, 7.1.2, promising some performance improvements and some bugfixes of maintenance of your operating system.
As is usual, not all users can enjoy now this beta version, as it is designed mainly for developers testing and for Google to receive comments to improve this version of Android Nougat.
to be able To download this update for Android is necessary to be part of the beta program for Android and have a cell phone Google Pixel, the Pixel XL, Nexus 6S and Nexus 5X or having the tablet Pixel C or the box Nexus Player.
Android 7.1.2 Nougat beta is being enabled from today for these devices belonging to that program, and Google expects to release the final version in a “couple of months”.
however, Google also enabled the images of the factory in a new web page to allow users to download Android 7.1.2 beta for these devices today, if they have not received the update through the wireless network.
did not Yet get Android 7.0 or 7.1 Nougat? Visit our guide with dates and other information of the update to Android Nougat for cell phones here.
despite the fact that Pokémon GO has not stopped losing followers due to its lack of new functions and implementations, the computer of Niantic continues to improve its applications and as proof of this, is the most recent update that finally solves the problem of playing and listening to music.
The diligent Pokémon trainer of Android that still continue to play this popular game of augmented reality to smartphones, can now do so with greater pleasure to be able to listen to your music while they hunt creatures digital.
This was thanks to the update that Niantic has just launched, which allows that instead of stopping the playback of music when opened Pokémon GO you simply will reduce the volume considerably —as already achieved in iOS since a few updates— although simply cranking up the volume to fail to notice the difference.
there is a new Pokémon game for iOS and Android
For its part, Niantic mentioned that this problem was due to Unity 3D, where you mention that the graphic engine was assumed that when this running the user only want to listen to the audio of the game and not from another application.
on the other hand, Niantic is sending their most recent update, the version 0.55.0 and 1.25.0 for Android and iOS respectively with the following improvements:
It reduces the starting load on Android
resolves the problems of connectivity in Android with Pokémon GO Plus
built-in Support for a wheelchair on iOS and Apple Watch
Fix text under.
Although it is nice to see that the company continues working in the application, it is equally disconcerting to see that the much-coveted updates with new functions will not have arrived, but what we can assume is the possible arrival of the Pokémon from the Johto region due to a curious message sent by the Pokémon Company few days ago:
do You remember Flappy Bird ? That addictive video game that was removed from the Google Play in 2014. As its creator, the vietnamese Nguyen, Đông, has just launched another game that promises to become a success.
Ninja Spinki Challenges, as it is called this new video game available in the Google Play, it shows us the story of a cute ninja who must complete various stages, having us to us to guide you.
How is it played?
If you want to try this new release of Nguyen, Đông, the only thing you have to do is enter a this link with your Android smartphone or tablet and download this video game free of charge. Once you install it, you’ll start to enjoy it.
As you can see our gallery, we will have to withstand the attacks of a group of enemies for a set time. Once you pass level, you will begin another that will be much more complicated.
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The Google Pixel is one of the best Android smartphones on the market, but it is not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars to get some of its features. Many of the functions of the Pixel are available for any Android. Here we tell you how to get it.
Although obviously you will not be able to modify the hardware of your phone, yes you will be able to imitate the appearance of your software. Nova Launcher now has a layer (or skin) that mimics the interface of the Pixel, including its search bar and the function of "slide to open". When you install it you will get the interface of your Android device look exactly like that of a Pixel.
A Launcher is an app that can completely change the interface of Android, including icons, menus, wallpaper, and much more. To return to the original look of your mobile it is only necessary to uninstall the application, so dare to experiment,
once you have Nova Launcher installed go to your settings app and from there install the layer Pixel. To get the searchbar go to "Desktop" and there choose "search Bar". Here you will find some additional tips to modify all the details of Nova Launcher and so to obtain an exact copy of the interface Pixel.
Action Launcher is another application that you can use to modify the look of your mobile, and it is even more easy. From the application settings in the launcher press the button, "Instructions for the Pixel Launcher". Yes, to take maximum advantage of the app you have to pay.
it is Also necessary that you install a pack of icons, customized to make your mobile look as close as possible to a Pixel.
To get your funds of screen, you can install the official app Wallpapers Google. It is the same app that is installed by default in the Pixel.
in order To emulate the function that allows you to change the page and scroll around the screen using the sensor of fingerprint, you can install the application Fingerprint Gestures. Once you do you’ll be able to configure it in different ways, as it allows for the Pixel.
finally, you will need to Google Assistant. The problem is that this application is exclusive to the Pixel, which means that it is almost impossible to install it in other mobile. Almost. If you have experience with do root in Android and modify mobile at the system level, there is a way to install Assistant. To do this you will need to have basic technical knowledge and follow this guide.
If you don’t want to modify your Android system you can install Google Allo, an application to take advantage of some of the functions of the Assistant. The wizard of Google will not be as integrated as a Pixel, but it is the best you’ll get without doing root.
When you follow these steps you will create a copy good enough for the Pixel as to wait a few months until the Pixel 2.
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The Pokémon Company is clearly trying to get the most from it since it was released last summer, the video game mobile Pokémon Go.
this Is Pokémon Duel, an application that is available for Android and iOS devices.
Related: Girl uses the digital fingerprint of your mom’s asleep to buy gifts Pokémon
The application was released quietly two days ago, and with good reason. The video game is made specifically for those users that know the game of figures, Pokémon Trading Figure Game.
That was a board game that was discontinued and which is focused on the battles the Pokémon. It was for two players in a duel of 6 against 6.
The application was released in Japan in April of last year on iOS and Android and is now available in the rest of countries of the world.
that Said, it is very likely that the game will disappoint them. In this application, the battles are made with other players online, despite the fact that there is a rival named Luka that shows you how to use the game once you start.
When you’re in a battle, you can choose 6 Pokémon. You move your Pokémon around the board that is located in a virtual way between your opponent and you. Once two Pokémon fall in the same area, they will have to fight.
however, the battles consist only in turning a wheel, virtual, and random, this decides the attack you will use against the opponent. However, the confusion or a poison can be used strategically, and win the one that you use the stronger attack.
The game has not been very well received so far and the majority of reviews are negative. It is clear that they are particularly fans of the board game who will enjoy more of this new application. The score on the Google Play store is 3.3 stars.
The game is completely separate from Pokémon Go, which was a total success last summer, particularly its component of virtual reality.
Netflix now lets you download movies and TV shows using the app Netflix. So now you can see movies and tv shows when you’re on a plane or don’t have internet connection. I demons, download content from Netflix is a way so easy to conserve data from your cellular plan and entertain while you travel!
In January, Netflix has improved this feature even more by allowing Android users to store those movies and tv shows on their SD cards.
according To Netflix, the new feature works on Android devices running the operating system Android 4.4.2 or more recent, as well as on iOS devices 8 or newer.
To download!
Jason Cipriani/CNET
The first time you open the app after the update, Netflix displays a dialog screen showing the symbol of discharge is used to initiate a download. What is more important, at the bottom of that screen is a link that takes you to all the movies and programs that you can download now. I select it! Don’t worry if you close the screen before reading it, there is now a new category called Available for Download (available for download) within the app.
Download a program is as simple as tapping on the download button and let the app do the rest. Naturally, you’ll need to have connection to Wifi when you do.
Another way to do this is to always look for the download button when you browse the catalog of Netflix.
you Can set the quality of video by opening the menu and going to App Settings (settings app) and choosing between Video Quality (video quality) high or standard. The high will take up more storage space on your phone.
How to manage your downloads
Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET
To view and manage the downloaded programs, sliding drawer menu and tap on My Downloads (my downloads) to open the list. The downloaded programs are in a single group, showing the number of episodes and the amount of storage space that each program or movie is occupying on your device.
unlike other apps, the only limitation to the amount of storage that you will use Netflix is the amount of space on your phone. In other words, if you have a phone with 128GB, you can use it store as many programs as soles see of run.
Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET
For those Android users who have a device with support for microSD cards, Netflix now allows you to store programs on external memories. In the app Netflix, slide the menu and select App Settings (settings app) – > Download Location (location of download). Select your SD card, and then press the return button.
In the section My Downloads (my downloads) , it touches on a program or movie, followed by the telephone icon blue next to each episode or movie to delete it. You can also tap on the button edit at the top of the screen to delete more than one program at the same time.
To delete all downloads in a single step, open the drawer menu, and then tap on App Settings (settings app) followed by Delete All Downloads (clear all my downloads).
editor’s Note:this article was originally published on December 2, 2016. Has been updated since then to reflect changes in the download process.
Netflix now lets you download movies and TV shows using the app Netflix. So now you can see movies and tv shows when you’re on a plane or don’t have internet connection. I demons, download content from Netflix is a way so easy to conserve data from your cellular plan and entertain while you travel!
In January, Netflix has improved this feature even more by allowing Android users to store those movies and tv shows on their SD cards.
according To Netflix, the new feature works on Android devices running the operating system Android 4.4.2 or more recent, as well as on iOS devices 8 or newer.
To download!
Jason Cipriani/CNET
The first time you open the app after the update, Netflix displays a dialog screen showing the symbol of discharge is used to initiate a download. What is more important, at the bottom of that screen is a link that takes you to all the movies and programs that you can download now. I select it! Don’t worry if you close the screen before reading it, there is now a new category called Available for Download (available for download) within the app.
Download a program is as simple as tapping on the download button and let the app do the rest. Naturally, you’ll need to have connection to Wifi when you do.
Another way to do this is to always look for the download button when you browse the catalog of Netflix.
you Can set the quality of video by opening the menu and going to App Settings (settings app) and choosing between Video Quality (video quality) high or standard. The high will take up more storage space on your phone.
How to manage your downloads
Jason Cipriani/CNET
To view and manage the downloaded programs, sliding drawer menu and tap on My Downloads (my downloads) to open the list. The downloaded programs are in a single group, showing the number of episodes and the amount of storage space that each program or movie is occupying on your device.
unlike other apps, the only limitation to the amount of storage that you will use Netflix is the amount of space on your phone. In other words, if you have a phone with 128GB, you can use it store as many programs as soles see of run.
Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET
For those Android users who have a device with support for microSD cards, Netflix now allows you to store programs on external memories. In the app Netflix, slide the menu and select App Settings (settings app) – > Download Location (location of download). Select your SD card, and then press the return button.
In the section My Downloads (my downloads) , it touches on a program or movie, followed by the telephone icon blue next to each episode or movie to delete it. You can also tap on the button edit at the top of the screen to delete more than one program at the same time.
To delete all downloads in a single step, open the drawer menu, and then tap on App Settings (settings app) followed by Delete All Downloads (clear all my downloads).
editor’s Note:this article was originally published on December 2, 2016. Has been updated since then to reflect changes in the download process.
despite the fact that multiple leaks suggest the imminent launch of a smart watch from HTC, the manufacturer taiwanese would be denied the development of Halfbeak, this rumored smartwatch.
“I can tell You that we will not have a watch with Android,” said Chialin Chang, president of phones and connected devices in the HTC at TBreak, a site that we know little about its reliability. “We will not have a clock in the near future”.
Usually, a report is so vague it would not have as much value mainly because they are unaware of the reliability of the source. However, the specialized sites 9to5Google and Android Police have picked up the information and confirmed with our own sources that HTC will launch a smart watch with Android Wear.
CNET in Spanish contacted HTC to ask for a comment. We will update this article when you get a response.
the rumors of The HTC Halfbeak date of 2015 and pointed to a smart watch dial round and that it would be made of the hand of Under Armour, an athletic company with which HTC has a relationship in a long-lived but few fruits.
The watch believes in development for some time, and its launch has been speculated for the Mobile World Congress to be held next month in Barcelona. However, the report would demonstrate that the Halfbeak will not see the public light — and perhaps no other clock of HTC.
Both 9to5Google as Android Police says that their sources reported that the clock filtering is a watch that was once available, but since more than a year ago and that its creation was stopped for various reasons. “This is a prototype. It worked well, but I had a bad battery,” said the source of 9to5Google.
it is Not a surprise that HTC is putting a break (or brake final) to the manufacture of watches and clocks smart. According to IDC, in the third quarter of 2016, of the five brands of watches intelligent, more distributed units, only Lenovo (via Bike) uses Android Wear, combined with the fact that the manufacturer in china had a drop of 73.3 percent compared with the same period of 2015.
But the manufacturers are not losing interest in the Android platform for watches just because. Google, the company that is behind the development of Android Wear, appears to have put in the second term the second version of the operating system. Android Wear 2.0, expected for the autumn of 2016, had a delay and everything seems to point that it will arrive in February.
With Android Wear, Google has the operating system on your watch [photos]
Google announced that starting this week will begin public testing of Android Instant Apps, application that can convert into web pages and be distributed through a link.
so far, the apps available are Periscope, Wish, Viki and BuzzFeed. Google intended that the users try these web apps start to get to grips with them and give feedback to Google to see how to improve or to modify some aspects.
With the new function of Instant Apps, you will be able to run Android applications without the need to install them. To apps traditional to become snapshots, the creators should update the app and make it modular, that is to say, separate to that of the individual components are always available and the rest can be discharged, according to the need of the user.
The program of Google of cheap smartphones with Android will come to America
it had Already been a long time since Google announced the possibility of Instant Apps, but on the day of yesterday, the company surprised through its official blog for Android that will already be available the first applications in the form of a Live Preview.
"We have been working with a small number of developers to refine the user experience-developer. Today, some of these applications snapshots will be available to Android users for the first time in a limited trial, including applications of BuzzFeed, Wish, Periscope and Viki. Through the collection of feedback from users, we can expand the experience to more and more applications."
users will be able to open each application instant with a single tap of URL, loading temporarily the full functionality of the software without going through the whole procedure of a traditional installation from the Google Play Store.
A benefit remarkable Instant Apps are the transactions through your mobile device. If you are going to buy tickets of cinema, a concert, or whatever, you will not need to download the app, with a single click, Instant Apps will take you directly to the app so that you can carry out your payment.
These Samsung smartphones may be updated to Android 7.0 Nougat
Another advantage that figure in the Instant Apps is the saving of storage and the deletion of setup errors present in the mobile devices more ancient.
After months of having waited for finally Google proves that functionality was announced at the last Google I/O, and is now a feature that will be available to any developer interested can tailor their own applications.
Google announced that starting this Monday, will begin the public testing of Android Instant Apps, the applications that can be converted into Web pages and be distributed through a link.
The Instant Apps currently available are of BuzzFeed, Periscope, Wish and Viki. For now, Google wants users to try these web apps start to get to grips with them and give feedback to Google.
For developers to convert their apps to traditional in Instant Apps, they should update the app and make it modular; that is to say, separating the application into several parts so that the essential parts are always available and the rest will be able to download to pleasure and the need of the user.
The process for creating these applications do not change much with respect to the necessary tools. Google says that we only need the APIs of Android and Android Studio. The full SDK will come in the next few months, the company says.
The Instant Apps were announced by Google in may, during its event Google I/O. On the announcement, Michael Siliski, product manager at Google, said “we have evolved the apps of Android so that they can be used without the need for the user to install”.
the immediate benefit of Instant Apps are mobile transactions. If you’re buying a pair of tickets to a concert, you may not want to download the app. But you may not want to put the information of your credit card details in a website that is suspected. With a single click, Instant Apps will take you to the app so that there you can make your payment. If your credit card is registered with the system of mobile payment Android Pay Google, with a touch you will complete the transaction.
The app Netflix finally allows people to download series and movies to a microSD memory card into the phone, leaving you in peace — and free — your internal memory. The function of Netflix on the Android was released first by the site Android Police.
Within the settings app of Netflix for Android, in the section of management of downloads, the users can choose the content to be downloaded to a memory removable instead of making the discharges in the storage of the cell.
when you choose To download to a microSD card, users can view how much free space you have the microSD card destination, and calculate if the movie or couple of episodes to download will fit on the card.
Remember that within the settings of the app there is also a small graphic that informs you of how much space you have free and how much is occupied by content from Netflix. Here we explain how to download content, both on iOS and Android.
The download is to microSD cards is something exclusive to Android, as the iPhone and iPad enables you to use microSD cards (or any other peripheral) to mass storage. The devices of the apple, however, allow you to use SD cards to import photos.
All the models presented in 2017 to be able to run Android apps, a feature that debuted last year to a few models.
Samsung Chromebook Pro and Plus have touch screens of 12.3 inches (2400 x 1600 pixels), 4 GB of RAM, two USB ports-C and 1.1 kg of weight, in addition to 8 hours of autonomy; the difference between the two models is the processor (a chip ARM in a case, a Intel Core M3 in the other) and the price:.
The project Chrome OS had its debut in 2010 (though his presentation was the previous year). And then posed a simple idea: the vast majority of the tasks that a user of a conventional PC does on your computer has to do (or can be resolved) with the Web. So that the operating system Chrome OS, that’s what it was: a Chrome browser running on Linux, and nothing more. Has No applications, except a few basic built-in (a file manager, an image viewer, etc.); the rest resolved with Web sites that -if necessary – are available even if the computer is offline (Google Docs, for example). Simple, fast, frugal, periodic update, and without limits (a scheme later adopted by Microsoft for Windows 10).
This design allowed the company to offer hardware in modest, low cost and minimum maintenance: Chrome is updated every so often, and already. To the middle of last year, however, the company changed its strategy and announced another thing: that all applications of Android would come, finally, to Chrome OS. The original design was kept -the Chrome browser for everything – but now was added the possibility of installing 2 million applications on these computers.
To take advantage of it in full, however, this would require a change in the hardware: that the chromebooks (as known to the laptops with Chrome OS) to use touch screens, because the applications Android the taken-for-granted (beyond the work of alternatives such as Remix OS, a Android adapted to the PC ). The first chromebook with a touch screen was the Pixel of 2015 , but then that screen didn’t make much sense. But now Google says that all the chromebooks introduced this year will be compatible with Android applications.
it will Also be compatible with a large number of previous models, which mostly do not have a touch screen (which limits its appeal), but that allow you to add volume and users. It simply requires that the team use the version 53 of the operating system.
The Asus Chromebook C302CA debuted at CES 2017, and carries a Full HD touch screen of 12.5 inches, 4 or 8 GB of RAM, chip Intel Core M, between 32 and 128 GB of internal storage, two USB ports-C and 1.2 kg weight, in addition to a price close to $ 500.
Among the teams that were in the CES 2017 are models that deviate from the price traditional that hovered around $ 300, with devices that are more sophisticated, such as the Samsung Chromebook Pro and Plus, which have touch screens of 12.3 inches (2400 x 1600 pixels), pencil to write on screen, 4 GB of RAM, two USB ports-C and 1.1 kg of weight, in addition to 8 hours of battery life; the difference between the two models is the processor (a chip ARM in a case, a Intel Core M3 in the other) and the price: $ 450 base.
Also, the Asus Chromebook C302CA, that has a Full HD touch screen of 12.5 inches, 4 or 8 GB of RAM, chip Intel Core M, between 32 and 128 GB of internal storage, two USB ports-C and 1.2 kg weight, in addition to a price close to $ 500.
modest is the Acer Chromebook 11 N7, designed for industrial use, with a housing resistant to shocks, falls and liquid, and a hardware with a screen of 11.6 inches (1366 x 768 pixels), 4 GB RAM, chip is Celeron dual-core, and 12 hours of battery life. Its base price is 230 dollars in the U.S.
An Acer Chromebook 11 N7, designed for industrial use, with a housing resistant to shocks, falls and liquid, and a hardware with a screen of 11.6 inches (1366 x 768 pixels), 4 GB RAM, chip is Celeron dual-core, and 12 hours of battery life. Its base price is 230 dollars in EE.UU..
Google bet, especially for the educational market, where these computers are attractive for the price, versatility and low-maintenance; with an outline similar to but less organized that the project conectar igualdad, in the united States it is not unusual for secondary schools and especially the universities, to give computers to its students, a segment in which Apple also has a strong presence with the iPad.
But Google is also beginning to expand their presence to other market segments; in 2016, was the second most popular operating system -by volume – in the united States, precisely because of the cost of the equipment; this will serve as a spearhead to take away market notebooks economic with Windows 10, and begin to build a base for the next few years.
And posed Chrome OS+Android as an intermediate alternative between the ideas of Microsoft (a single operating system, Windows 10, for all devices, regardless of whether it is a notebook, a tablet or -if necessary – a smartphone) and the Apple (iOS and MacOS, an operating system for each device class, though some uses overlap, as the iPad Pro and a MacBook); in between, it broadcasts Android among young americans, and with good reason: according to a study in 2016 of the consulting firm Piper Jaffray (which is repeated every half year) 69 percent of u.s. teens have an iPhone.
According to him, said Hiroshi Lockheimer, the executive in charge of development, to the Telegraph English complete fusion between Android, and Chrome OS is, for now, ruled out; but beyond how to work both operating systems behind the scenes, yes, there is an intention to complement and bring both user experiences: the Chrome OS, on a big screen, and the Android, on a small screen.
Pokémon on Tuesday announced a Pokémon Duel, a game for iOS and Android in which you can play with up to six creatures and fight with your friends.
The game is free (with purchase internal) and it can be downloaded from the App Store for iOS and Play Store for Android.
The point of Pokémon Duel is completely different to that of Pokémon Go – a game that is not even developed by The Pokemon Company. The difference is simple and obvious: Pokémon Duel has nothing to do with the augmented reality.
In Pokémon Duel, each user must create a team of six creatures to conquer the terrain of the other player. The pokémones play against each other to get to the other side of the board, and the first to accomplish this will win the battle.
The launch of this new game based on the anime and the creatures comes at a time in which the franchise has become a hen with golden eggs. Under the license with Niantic, The Pokemon Company has realized gains for the Pokémon Go, the new title Sun and Moon for 3DS has been a success and the company is preparing a new installment for the Nintendo Switch.
A study by the University of Lancaster, in the northwest of China, and the british University of Bath found that the “Pattern Lock” (lock pattern) can be discovered with ease after five attempts.
The research of these institutions shows that criminals can break the pattern lock on five attempts with a video recording and specialized software.
But how does this happen?
The specialized portal Phys explains that it is enough to film covertly the owner of the phone so that subsequently the attacker to use a tracking software that succeeds in deciphering the movements of the fingertip. The algorithm creates a number of patterns to unlock the device, which is achieved in less than five attempts.
The scientists tested this system with 120 unique patterns and were able to find out more than 95 percent in the first five attempts.
The patterns more complex, with more lines between points, they become contradictory in the most easy to guess because they help the algorithm to reduce the options.
Many people tend to use complex patterns to protect their devices, and also for financial transactions are as important as the on-line banking and shopping because they think that this is a safe method of protection, explains the principal investigator, dr. Zheng Wang.
But Wang warns: “Our findings suggest that the use pattern lock to protect sensitive information in reality could be very risky.”
Google announced that starting this Monday, will begin the public testing of Android Instant Apps, the applications that can be converted into Web pages and be distributed through a link.
The Instant Apps currently available are of BuzzFeed, Periscope, Wish and Viki. For now, Google wants users to try these web apps start to get to grips with them and give feedback to Google.
For developers to convert their apps to traditional in Instant Apps, they should update the app and make it modular; that is to say, separating the application into several parts so that the essential parts are always available and the rest will be able to download to pleasure and the need of the user.
The process for creating these applications do not change much with respect to the necessary tools. Google says that we only need the APIs of Android and Android Studio. The full SDK will come in the next few months, the company says.
The Instant Apps were announced by Google in may, during its event Google I/O. On the announcement, Michael Siliski, product manager at Google, said “we have evolved the apps of Android so that they can be used without the need for the user to install”.
the immediate benefit of Instant Apps are mobile transactions. If you’re buying a pair of tickets to a concert, you may not want to download the app. But you may not want to put the information of your credit card details in a website that is suspected. With a single click, Instant Apps will take you to the app so that there you can make your payment. If your credit card is registered with the system of mobile payment Android Pay Google, with a touch you will complete the transaction.
The Chromebook Plus Samsung is one of the most recent computers with Chrome OS
Sarah Tew/CNET
If you’re thinking about buying a Chromebook to take advantage of your apps purchased and downloaded on Android, 2017 will bring you a good news.
on Monday, using a brief update on their support sites, Google said that all of the computers to be launched during this year and running the operating system Chrome OS, will be compatible with Android applications, something that for now only a handful of laptops can achieve.
This is excellent news since Chromebooks current that are compatible with the apps of Android models are more high-end (and therefore more expensive). With this change, the fans of this line of computers will be able to use Android apps without sacrificing the pocket.
The availability of Android apps for Chromebooks is something recent. In June, Google began allowing a bunch of computers running the Play store and enable download of applications.
Since then, 27 manufacturers have computers that are compatible with the applications — and the number is increasing. Now, it only remains to wait for the manufacturers to announce new models of Chromebooks this year.
Comes Super Mario Run Android! If gentlemen, Nintendo announced a few days ago finally Super Mario Run will come to the platform of mobile devices largest on the planet.
The expectations are great, both for Nintendo and for their fans. And is that after his arrival in mid-December to the iOS, the game soon became a hit with over 40 Million downloads in its first 4 days and close to $ 5 Million in sales.
Its simplicity makes it a game for everyone: one only has to touch the screen for Mario – or the character that you use – skip. But the different modes give it a depth and difficulty that even the pro will find challenging.
Super Mario Run offers 4 modes: – World Tour: it is basically the model of the traditional story of Mario Bros in which you must rescue the princess. But it has a twist: the presence of coins special colors that are only unlocked once you have found all of the previous color. – Toad Rally: A competition to get more Toads followers and currencies in which you race against other players on the planet. – Kingdom Builder: You can build your kingdom, buying and placing buildings, statues and other in your map (that grows as more and more Toads are linking to your kingdom. – Friendly Run: Compete with your friends, just by seeing who is the fastest, the most agile and the more coins you get.
In the Apple store Super Mario Run is free to download, with which you will be able to play the first 3 levels. Then it is necessary to pay USD 9.99 – via an in-app purchase – in order to continue playing. Nintendo has not yet confirmed the price of the game for Android but today it is already possible to register on Google Play to be notified when the game is on sale. Eye! Don’t be fooled. Is not yet available, but there are dozens of fake apps in the store of Android.
in Addition to the questions related to the price that will have Super Mario Run on Android, the fragmentation of the platform it clearly will create more of a headache for the users because we do not believe that is compatible with the more than 1,500 Millions of Android devices that are active in the market. The fragmentation of the platform, different versions of Android and the different technical specifications of the equipment make it almost impossible. Hopefully Nintendo will confirm soon the minimum features of the hardware and software must have Android devices to Super Mario Run to work properly.
in the meantime, and if you want to know more about Super Mario Run take a look at "7 things you should know Super Mario Run" that we published a month ago as.
How to retrieve notifications deleted in Android To retrieve these notices it is quite simple. You only need to follow a few simple steps. Here as re-view the notifications deleted on a phone Android. 1. There are that you press on any place of the home. You will see that there are three options.
The app OneDrive Microsoft includes broom and dustpan in its most recent version for Android.
The application of storage now suggests you free up space by deleting files from the phone that already have a backup in the Microsoft cloud. In this way, users can delete files, knowing that a backup copy of the original is now protected and accessible from any place with Internet.
Unfortunately, the function is appearing only in the beta version of the app, according to Android Police and LifeHacker.
In a brief announcement on Google Plus, Microsoft says that the protect 1GB of photos in OneDrive, it will automatically launch a notice to remove the photos at a local level and free up space.
Microsoft says that the users registered in the beta can start taking the necessary photographs, or upload them to your phone and back them up, so patience because 1GB of photos are many, many images. When the app detects 1GB of photos, it will throw a prompt to save a copy in OneDrive and delete the local files.
This function will be very helpful for all the users that use OneDrive for storage. This feature already exists in Google Photos in its version for iOS and Android and is very useful to clean up space, especially on devices with little storage.
anyone interested in being part of the beta of OneDrive you can register and begin to test the features of this version before they reach the public version.