In the living room of the electronics of Las Vegas known as CES, this year, Panasonic, Qualcomm, and Google have presented a new system of infotenimiento for vehicles that uses the Android operating system 7.0 Nougat. The system will allow to not only monitor apps but also systems of the car such as climate control or audio system.
But while the new system of Android comes to the vehicles, are are five of the apps for Android the most recommended for drivers.
Dashdroid. This app simplifies the mobile phone screen with six icons that provide information like the vehicle’s speed or weather conditions. But what is more important, Dashdroid reads the messages that arrive via SMS to avoid the driver being distracted. It also allows you to activate phone functions, such as making telephone calls, using voice commands.
Automate. Is another alternative to Dashdroid with the same principle: to facilitate the tasks of the driver by minimizing distractions. Automate also allows you to use voice commands to start applications, which allows you to make phone calls and play music, for example, without using hands.
OBD Car Doctor. This application is for the more technical and interested in the mechanical aspects of the cars. OBD Car Doctor, along with a Bluetooth adapter ELM 327 that is installed in the connector OBD II of the car, allows you to diagnose the operation of the engine. And you can save money to the driver to identify the specific problem that affects the vehicle when it is lit one of the warning signals of the dashboard. OBD Car Doctor also allows you to view in real time on the mobile phone, data such as velocity, revolutions, temperature, pressure, and lambda, among other data.
Fuelio. Another app that can allow you to save money. Fuelio is a simple application that allows you to track the consumption and expenditure of fuel of a vehicle. The operation is simple: when filling the tank, enter the cost and the number of miles on the odometer. The application will calculate the fuel efficiency of the vehicle the next time that refills and displays the information in graphs and statistics.
AutoBoy Dash Cam. This application works as a "black box" to record on video everything that happens in front of the vehicle, which allows you to present evidence in the event of a collision. The app can record continuously for the duration of the battery of the mobile phone, deleting automatically old videos that are not needed. AutoBoy Dash Cam also sobreimpone on the image data such as the time or location.
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