The Google Pixel is one of the best Android smartphones on the market, but it is not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars to get some of its features. Many of the functions of the Pixel are available for any Android. Here we tell you how to get it.
Although obviously you will not be able to modify the hardware of your phone, yes you will be able to imitate the appearance of your software. Nova Launcher now has a layer (or skin) that mimics the interface of the Pixel, including its search bar and the function of "slide to open". When you install it you will get the interface of your Android device look exactly like that of a Pixel.
A Launcher is an app that can completely change the interface of Android, including icons, menus, wallpaper, and much more. To return to the original look of your mobile it is only necessary to uninstall the application, so dare to experiment,
once you have Nova Launcher installed go to your settings app and from there install the layer Pixel. To get the searchbar go to "Desktop" and there choose "search Bar". Here you will find some additional tips to modify all the details of Nova Launcher and so to obtain an exact copy of the interface Pixel.
Action Launcher is another application that you can use to modify the look of your mobile, and it is even more easy. From the application settings in the launcher press the button, "Instructions for the Pixel Launcher". Yes, to take maximum advantage of the app you have to pay.
it is Also necessary that you install a pack of icons, customized to make your mobile look as close as possible to a Pixel.
To get your funds of screen, you can install the official app Wallpapers Google. It is the same app that is installed by default in the Pixel.
in order To emulate the function that allows you to change the page and scroll around the screen using the sensor of fingerprint, you can install the application Fingerprint Gestures. Once you do you’ll be able to configure it in different ways, as it allows for the Pixel.
finally, you will need to Google Assistant. The problem is that this application is exclusive to the Pixel, which means that it is almost impossible to install it in other mobile. Almost. If you have experience with do root in Android and modify mobile at the system level, there is a way to install Assistant. To do this you will need to have basic technical knowledge and follow this guide.
If you don’t want to modify your Android system you can install Google Allo, an application to take advantage of some of the functions of the Assistant. The wizard of Google will not be as integrated as a Pixel, but it is the best you’ll get without doing root.
When you follow these steps you will create a copy good enough for the Pixel as to wait a few months until the Pixel 2.
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