Friday, January 20, 2017

Trump gives his Android cell phone and receives one approved by the … – CNET in Spanish


Donald Trump at his arrival to Washington, DC this week.

Pool, Getty Images

Guess who just received a phone to tweet approved by the Secret Service?

Thursday, as soon as he came to Washington, DC for their decision to protest as president number 45 of the US, Donald Trump had to give up your old Android phone to change from a locked phone is not identified, according to The Associated Press.

The phone comes with a new number that is only known by a limited number of people. This marks a big change for Trump, who is often on the line with their friends, business contacts, journalists, foreign leaders and politicians.

Barack Obama was the first president to use a mobile device approved by the safety agencies, due to issues of piracy. At first, Obama had a BlackBerry very modified and later changed to another phone that had most of the functions are totally disabled. It was not known by it to make or receive calls, but it was one of the few devices that had access to the account of @POTUS on Twitter.

Trump said earlier this week that it will not use the account @POTUS, and instead will continue using her Twitter account, existing to communicate in social networks.

The Secret Service refused to comment on this story.


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