Much of the information on the net about Android is numbers. There are people dedicated almost exclusively to track and catalog the information in different parts of the world, looking for some hidden meaning to help us understand the market. In recent days there have appeared several compilations of these data, and we will use them to try to paint the current situation Android , either over its competitors as its domestic market.
For starters, surely the most optimistic data Android is already dominant in much of the world . Regarding the same figures last year, there is no significant market in which Google’s operating system has not advanced. There are other more extreme cases, like that of Spain, which is passed a more than acceptable spectacular 76.8% to 93.5% and almost monopolistic. The big loser is certainly iOS , which has seen its share of low devices to a greater or lesser extent. Because the market is increased, this should not be a big problem for Apple as it continues to sell more units than last year despite lower proportion to Android. With these data in hand, we can say that Android dominates in almost every major market . I say “almost” because there is a market for now resists and remains true to Apple: Japan. Nevertheless, we are not talking about a big difference, and it is not surprising that next year the situation is reversed.
mobile navigation data seem to support the theory of increased use of Android, but with one crucial difference: the numbers do not fit. According to these data, 26% of web browsing is done on devices with Android , a crucial rise of 35% over last year. Not as spectacular as the sales figures, but also very important, maybe more. Because it is the great dominating iOS, with 59%, while it is a small drop from the previous year. The importance of this fact is that it seems that Android users are not as connected to the web as iOS , which means that developers will give more importance to this system than to Google when creating websites and web applications. Nevertheless, some data are not bad and certainly anyone who wants Android will ignore at great risk.
And internally, how is Android? Since a couple of months ago Google changed the way in which quantifies the number of devices of each version (now only consider those that connect to Google Play ), we have seen Jelly Bean has gradually increased, and the latest report confirms this trend. A 26.1% of users use the various versions of Android 4.1 , while for now only 2.3% and uses Android 4.2, a figure quite understandable considering the short time he has on the market. Despite the efforts of Google, most users (38.4%) still using Gingerbread , certainly in developing markets using low-end phones.
As you can see, Android is going through the roof . Problems remain, of course, since this steady increase in sales do not seem to translate into greater use of the web or in a greater loss of fragmentation, but these seem to be problems inherent to Android at the moment, and there is still time to are solved completely.
Sources | Developers Android Fortune Fortune
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