Thursday, May 2, 2013

Android becomes the leader of the tablet market - Alt1040 - ALT1040

In the first quarter of this year, Android tablets have positioned themselves as leaders in this market, which is growing at a rapid pace. However, Apple is in the first position of sellers.

By Asier García Plaza

May 2, 2013, 14:08

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The arrival of

iPad was a real revolution, that is undeniable. However, little by little have gone out stiff competition. In fact, data from IDC shows that Apple has lost leadership and Android has established itself as the king of the tablet market. Right now the iPad has a market share of 40% while Android tablets are placed in a 56.5%. A year ago, these figures were almost the reverse . What’s going on?

In the first quarter of this year, have sent 27.8 million of Android tablets and 19.5 million iPads. These figures really impressed because this market in a year grew 142.4% . Also, it is noteworthy that those with Google’s operating system have increased by 247.5% while Apple have managed to grow by 65.3%.

Also, we noticed that Apple keeps rising in your line and selling quite. What is really amazing is the large adoption that are getting Android tablets. What is the key to success? Surely price is one of the most valuable factors. At this moment, we are at a time when sales of PCs are declining as it never had before. Now, many people prefer the convenience it brings a tablet for basic tasks previously performed on your home PC. Added to all this must be added the arrival of smaller tablets.

Furthermore, although Apple has lost market share remains in first position as a seller. In fact, turn Samsung, which is in second place. Right on the tail are Asus, Amazon and Microsoft respectively. The growth of tablets is awesome and collides directly with CEO forecasts BlackBerry . According to him, disappear in 5 years. Really? I think not. Right now the market is very young and is growing exponentially in a dizzying. It is likely that within a time stabilize sales and do not increase much. However, there is a stretch away quite large.

ultimately Android becomes the king of the tablet market this quarter and Apple relegates into second. However, it remains in the top spot as selling more than taking a significant advantage to other companies.

Computer Engineering Student in Madrid. Curious, amateur photographer, sports enthusiast, looking for a wave that never breaks. I can follow on Twitter at @ asiergapa. More articles by this author »

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