Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Android is monopolizing the market for other systems to ... - The Android Free

android-usa The sales data and market shares of mobile devices seems to be always around. For some time, Android has had a negligible increase, reaching move into first place with a remarkable difference, in fact, changing the landscape alone the full telephony

According to comScore, Android remains the more devices you have in the U.S. but there has been some variation from the percentages . While it is true that Android has more market share than all others, Apple just beyond the group of “laggards”, since Android has more share everything that group together. It is important to view data from USA and are always a reflection of the trend in the rest of the markets and where Google and the manufacturers more interest, say that in the war of systems, is the most important battle.

The latest data show a slight increase in Apple, compared to a slight decrease of Android this quarter compared to last year. Thus, “apple” goes from 36.6% to 39%, while “green robot” low of 53.4% ??to 52% .

In the following graphs we can see the evolution of all systems for the past three years:


We clearly see that, despite the continuous rise of Android, Apple also followed the same trend, although at a slower pace, but the latest data shows that all is not said . They can not say the same for the others, and less BB, which has seen its share of ridiculous figures compared with 2 head, and is now in full battle with WP to move into 3rd place.

lacking Now see how these figures evolve when new devices come out, especially the new iPhone, which always generates a huge buzz and causes (with more or less justification), a significant increase in sales.

Source: bgr.com

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