Not so long ago compared face to face the most important, but with recent major updates both Google and Apple mobile operating systems is time to take another look and face them. Is there one that is the best at everything or just differ on some things
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Design visual and interface
Neither Android nor iOS 6 September turned out to be a drastic change in the visuals for their operating systems. The “material design” of Google is still as colorful, fun and engaging as we remember, while iOS is still the most elegant between the two. In the end, beauty is relative to the user and surely by now you’ve decided which one you find most attractive.
Android 6, also known as Marshmallow, can look vibrant and ordered a lovely way with this classic interface already adopted by both the system and the most popular applications on the platform (yes, even Facebook ). On the other hand, it can also seem cartoonish and basic with, perhaps, a lot of white and unused space.
IOS 9, however, can look classic yet dynamic at first sight, but also dated a while later. If you want to compare them quickly from the comfort of your home, the best thing to do is log into Google Drive and iCloud from the web; the same design principles you’ll remain in most products of these companies, for better or for worse.
Where iOS itself is superior, in our opinion, it is on the screens of tablets, and split-screen mode IOS 9 is proof of that. On the other hand, Android looks stretched and quite rustic in larger screens, which certainly could be one reason why we have not seen a new Nexus 7 so far.
It may seem ridiculous to choose an operating system simply by how they look, but the visuals of each is one of the few differences remaining between iOS and Android really notice.
The Main differences
After all these years, Android is still king of customization. IOS applications can put widgets in the notification center of the system, but if you want a calendar in your main screen instead of a series of icons, you’ll need an Android device. Install a launcher , and your operating system will become something completely different than what is Android in its purest form and, again, this is not possible in iOS.
And then we have the case of the default applications. If you do not like app Call Android, or app SMS or contacts, you can switch to another, that simple. Apple does not give you such freedom (which for many users of iOS does not matter). Android developers get a much deeper and transparent access to the operating system, which makes a difference in terms of the end user experience.
As for iOS, Apple insists increasingly more to improve its characteristics related to user privacy. No information about you will manage Siri to Apple’s servers, and even if it means some drawbacks in terms of custom and faster than what can be your experience using Siri on multiple devices and platforms, also means you can be more certain about what This wizard is doing with your information.
Then we have the problem of fragmentation. Unless you’re using a Nexus device, obtain the latest update of Android is a frustrating process. Instead, iOS upgrades are simpler, faster and available in very old devices. No wonder many fans of Android use only phone Nexus to ensure updates software faster.
On the other hand, using an iPhone or iPad with another piece of hardware that is not made by Apple (like a Windows PC) can defeat a lot. Google’s approach of basing everything on the cloud makes move from Android to Chrome and then iOS is much easier. And certainly, if you use your applications on an iPhone instead of Apple, you do a Google as happy as if you were using Android.
All similarities
This year finally Android he managed to iOS in some characteristics, and vice versa: the support fingerprint scanning and a full and detailed application permissions system is new to the operating system Google, for example, while Apple has added a low-power mode battery and even a button to go to “Back” (or something), something that Android users have had for a long time.
Both systems now feature support for NFC and own payment systems; both also have a similar approach regarding notifications and, since the last update of iOS, now on both systems can search through the application of “Settings”.
iCloud Drive increasingly looks more Google Drive, with a separate application that makes file browser. And both operating systems are becoming smarter as time to recognize the applications you usually use more and more contacts with whom you communicate: Android will display them in your applications menu and sharing options, while iOS Siri you and displays them in Spotlight searches in
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Android now supports encryption hardware as standard, while enjoying this iOS takes a long time. Even the display to switch from one application to another it seems in both systems, like screens quick adjustments. With so few differences today, the most important to differentiate each system seems to be the wizard and digital capabilities they have, in addition to those applications and functions that underlie all experience (Google Now, Siri, etc ..).
Google Now on Tap vs. Siri proactive
Both Google Now and Siri were very important updates on the latest versions of their respective systems. Google Now on Tap assistant gives you access to what is within your applications (as long as the developer of that app will support). This is some promise, but for now will help save a few seconds, touch screen and commands using your voice.
The future of Google Now is something that keeps us in suspense: his plan is going to work behind the scenes to learn as much as possible about you and so anticipate your needs and make your Android is as personalized as possible. While this is more automated the better for the user experience, but there is always the concern about privacy terms.
As you may have already noticed, Google Now will now be updated independently Android, and It is both Android and iOS. This year the attendee received many great innovations and better integration with applications, and with each update receives new features or functionality. Like Siri, shows its potential is mobile, but is also available (but very limited) for Chrome and Chrome OS.
Siri, meanwhile, has also received a major upgrade that It makes closer to the context, making the wizard can recognize what is on the screen and interpret your requests according to that information. The new update “proactive” does add some features similar to what Google Now, which allows Siri to show some applications and information they need at some times and in some places without you even ask.
Both digital assistants have proven adept at finding necessary information on the web, in addition to toggle between your phone if you ask. Siri is still superior in terms of getting some application, such as photos or music, but Google Now is still the best in terms of gathering information.
As sure as you can imagine, both Apple and Google are becoming increasingly difficult to uninstall or delete Siri and Google Now your system (and the same goes for Microsoft and Cortana). As to which of the two is better, always depend on where most stores your information and what platforms and applications you use most often. Which brings us to …
Native applications and ecosystem
Both Google and Apple continue to improve and refine their native applications, while iOS applications are updated while the OS, and Android system is not. These app increasingly receive minor updates that do not have time to explore in detail, but there are some important differences that we need to talk. For example, Apple Maps finally and displays information from public transportation.
The tool for Photos Google deserves mention because it is well above the photo library iCloud, even taking into account that is available for both Android and iOS is not a feature that will make you choose a mobile over the other. The interface to the Google Web Photos is another big plus, but not distance ourselves from the main debate of Android vs iOS.
As I mentioned a few lines ago, iOS is much more convenient for you if you have only hardware Apple. There is no application available for Android Apple today (although Apple Music itself will), and very few for Windows, meaning that passed from iOS to OS X is much easier than iOS to Windows, or vice versa. To some extent the same is true of the media you buy from iTunes, although in this case there is at least Windows support.
The variety of applications remains wide in both systems. Most large applications appear launch both Android and iOS, although some my smaller often launched first iOS due to the problems of having to support so many devices on Android. On the other hand, there is also a considerable number of very good applications only available on iOS and not Android.
Google and Apple remain fully committed to the development of iOS and Android, and the latest update of both platforms is no exception. Android is still the most open and customizable between the two, while iOS offers a less fragmented and more private experience. What is worth mentioning is that although it is increasingly difficult to find significant differences between the two platforms, it also becomes more difficult to jump from one to the other
Images.. David Nield
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