Friday, October 2, 2015

Failure Android phone puts all at risk of a large … – RT in Spanish – International News

According to the newspaper ‘The Independent’, failure, nicknamed ‘Stagefright 2′ by the team that found it, it is similar to discovered earlier this year error also affected billions of Android devices in use . The mismatch exploits a weakness in one of the parts of the operating system code, which can allow hackers to access the device.

Following the first failure, the Stagefright, many users rushed to do changes in its security systems designed to stop such attacks in the future. However, the code in question has not yet been properly patched, according to the researchers.

To exploit the issue of vulnerability, the hacker sends a URL innocent looking the owner to open it. However, when opening the file, which can contain a video or a sound recording, the ruling ‘explodes’ with metadata that come with that file.

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