Monday, October 5, 2015

¿Users of iOS or Android ?, PornHub tells us who see more … –


PornHub is one of the most popular porn sites, and share with us your ‘extensive catalog of titles’, constantly conducts studies and statistics with the data of its users to analyze how porn is in the world, this time has made a comparison to find out who makes use of its website if users smartphones iOS or Android.

PornHub made a comparison between 2010 and 2015, see how it has grown the consumption of pornography through mobile phones in five years and the number grew considerably. While in 2010 just Android users and saw porn 3% and 9% IOS 2015 is destramparon and reached 31%, exceeding by some iOS users.


They also reported the time spent on the page, and guess who sees porn longer … Android users !, 10 minutes and 6 seconds, while iOS spend 8 minutes and 40 seconds


Finally got to know the preferences of users, those with Android prefer the ‘Black Teen’, while iOS come closer to the ‘College’.

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** Via Unilad


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