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Sony announced the list of devices that will receive Android 6.0 update and Marshmallow A new call for 10,000 users to prove that Android 6.0 on your Xperia devices before they begin to release to all users.
On Tuesday, the company followed the footsteps of HTC and Motorola, revealing that 14 Android devices will receive Marshmallow
Although Sony announced that these devices will receive the Android 6.0 update, the company did not release an estimated time
Moreover, on Wednesday, Sony announced. a call as part of the Concept for Android program launched last July. The program allows users with Xperia devices to test the beta versions of the Android update will come in the future to get feedback that they can do better every upgrade for users.
At the moment, the company initiated the call for 10,000 users with Xperia Z3 or Xperia Z3 Compact residing in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Ireland and Germany.
Sony expects to start with this program in the coming weeks and now allows users to read their terms and sign up to participate through its app for Android.
Do you have another phone or you want to know more details of the release Android update? Visit our guide with dates and information about the release of the 6.0 update Marshmallow here. You can also find all the latest Android 6.0 here.
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