Thursday, October 22, 2015

These are the applications that consume the most battery in your Android – Metro Chile

battery is one of the issues of greatest concern to users because you can not always connect the phone to the jack electric power.

Sometimes you’ve probably felt that your smartphone battery is over quickly, but do not know the causes.

According to a study by AVG Technologies, a computer security company, the reason to be continuously charging your device is applications.

analysis applications divided into two categories. those initiated by the user and automatically start in the background

In the case of the app started by the user Snpachat is the most battery consuming, followed by Amazon and Spotify Shopping UK .

Meanwhile, in the category of applications running in the background, which it generates worse battery performance Android is Facebook (same position held in IOS) , followed by Google Play Services (essential for the functioning of the device) and Facebook Pages Manager.

In this gallery we show some data to understand how your battery works smartphones.

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