Monday, October 5, 2015

Android 6.0 is now available Marshmallow – the Nation (Argentina)

you can be downloaded for Nexus equipment; adds features to extend battery life and facilitate the search for information on the Web, among other new features

Marshmallow candy is chosen by Google to identify Android 6.0.

Google today released the final version of Android 6.0 Marshmallow (marshmallow in English) that it had submitted in late August. This version can now be installed on the Nexus 5 and 6 phones, and the Nexus 7 and 9 tablets (beyond the brand new Nexus 6P and 5X, which offer pre-installed) and the Nexus 2014. Player will be appearing as updates during the day by the users of such equipment.

What about the other brands? Let’s wait a little longer, as usual, and that once Google releases the code of a new version of Android every manufacturer must adapt their equipment (which includes making sure the hardware is working properly), add the interface changes , test applications and so on. Once the update is ready operators must approve it in each case, adding some time. This obviously does not apply to equipment sold freed

Motorola was one of the first to confirm the list of phones that will, in principle, Marshmallow. When it comes to mobile sales the country, includes the latest versions of G and Moto Moto X, but not the first generation (in both cases); also it includes the Moto E (in any version). HTC also confirmed that updated the One M8 and M9 One, and other models. The rest of the manufacturers did not confirm anything for now, but is discounted to the top models of the last two years at least, should receive the update.

As the user you will notice directly One of the biggest additions is Now on Tap, which integrates the intelligence of Google in all applications, allowing you to start contextual searches without having to configure anything. So, if we are seeing a mail about a movie and start a search from the application (by pressing and holding the virtual Home button, ie, the circle at the bottom of the screen), the system will understand that we seek information about that movie; if a message has a style phrase “let’s meet at 10 Bar Tal” offer to create an appointment in the calendar, information on the bar, and so on.

Now on Tap, contextual search service that debuted with Android 6.0.

Android Marshmallow also includes Doze, a system function that detects when the computer is still and wait ( resting on a table, for example) and puts it in a sort of dream that reduces energy consumption, but keeps you connected (hence the use of doze something like dozing in English). According to the company, 30% extending autonomy on average expected the team with the screen off. The new Android version also offers more control over applications while unused; automatically put on standby (in a sort of pause) to prevent further consuming resources. This does not affect the reception of messages in a chat application or the like.

Another new feature is the ability to have a much finer control over what you can do each application when used (if we allow access to

the camera, to our location, etc.). Also adds improved support for managing biometric sensors, including validation shopping in the app store, access applications and (in the US) Pay Android, its mobile payments platform. There are already teams with Android and fingerprint sensors (including the Galaxy S6 and Huawei Mate 7 operating contact and encrypted biometric information, unlike the Galaxy S5 and the HTC One Max, capable of hacking), but with Marshmallow the support is native to the operating system (not depending on the manufacturer) and supports more applications and functions expand.

With Android 6.0 comes a very robust tool for backing up applications on the phone . Until now only preserved the list of installed applications; this version works as expected: make a backup of the application and the user-generated content; who wanted something had to rely so far as third-party application Titanium Backup and others.

Marshmallow also adds the ability to treat a memory card (formatted as ext4) like internal memory equipment, ideal for automatically expand the space available for applications; more control over the sound and notifications, both the audio and the windows that appear on other applications when we get a message, which can now be disabled. Also allow the partial downloading of maps (with greater control over allowing today) and some YouTube videos for them offline.

In the new devices with USB-C (reversible connector) now -for the port can receive power or charge the phone or send tableta- and function as extra battery, something that Android allow you to manage, and support for 4K resolution screens grows, among other innovations that brings this version of Android.

In this note:


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