An alternative system version Google says it already has 50 million users and has partnered with Microsoft to compete
[CiberP @ is] RAMON PECO.
Until not too Cyanogen was a name known only to some users of specialized forums on technology, but its popularity is growing. CyanogenMod, Android version, an alternative to the official Google has 50 million users according to its creators. Now you just know that the next version of this system will replace the voice assistant of Google for that of Microsoft, Cortana.
One of the consequences of the alliance in April established both companies to better integrate on the platform Microsoft developed applications for Android. Some have wanted to see in it an attempt of the former company of Bill Gates of breaching Android now that the mobile version of Windows has stalled.
In 2013, Cyanogen ceased to be a mere developers and became a business. The decision generated some controversy among members of this community, but in the last year, has received over $ 100 million investment, the result of the commitment of Twitter, the maker of processors Qualcomm, Foxconn-the company that produces the iPhone- or Spanish Telefonica and Banco Santander.
CyanogenMod proclaims operating system, but the truth is that, despite the efforts of its developers, could not exist without the work of Google on Android. All versions have appeared so far this software are merely modifications of the official versions of Android. This may no longer be the case if the omens of Kirt McMaster, CEO of Cyanogen are met. In a recent statement to the International Business Times McMaster established within two or three years for CyanogenMod completely desvinculase of Google.
In any case, the system offers Android in many ways is very different of Google. In fact, Google applications installed by default do not appear, even their app store, Play Store, which must be downloaded as a application. A restriction that was imposed by Google by suspicions that the project created at the company’s Mountain View firm also removed from the Android store application facilitating the installation of CyanogenMod
advantage. Performance
Among the advantages of this system compared to the official versions of Android they are a large number of customization options and, above all, it increases the performance of many devices. In fact many have been encouraged to install the system to return to life phones and tablets that their manufacturers have stopped updating, but the process is cumbersome and requires expertise that few users have. In addition, installing a different operating system device may void the warranty.
Therefore, to grow must come CyanogenMod installed on mobile. For now, the only relevant companies were included on their devices CyanogenMod were the OnePlus and Oppo Chinese. Experience, moreover, does not look too good: the system has again been included in the latest mobile of these manufacturers
seems essential that CyanogenMod is supported by a large company in the sector to become popular and, for now. There are news that something like this could occur. Google challenge is something that not even Samsung, the largest manufacturer of Android devices, has been achieved. The South Koreans have a, Tizen, own operating system but when the truth just a terminal with that
Also other projects such as the Firefox operating system or version of Ubuntu for mobile They have managed to overshadow Android. The problem in both cases is the same as Windows Phone suffering: the lack of support from developers. In that, CyanogenMod part with advantage: it is possible to use the entire repertoire of Android apps without many of the problems posed privacy control products Google
More Options
It is not the only attempt to undermine the dominance of the Californian company in a system that largely is open source. Amazon has released a tablet for 60 euros equipped with its Android version, Fire OS, which does not include the Google application store. Their devices to date remain minority. Neither they went from being an anecdote alternative versions of Android released at the time by Nokia for low cost phones. My Chinese company is also developing a version of Android called MIUI, which has itself some success due to strong sales of its terminals in Asia.
CyanogenMod The great advantage of not being tied to any manufacturer of telephony, therefore, it can be adopted in the future by large companies in this sector. Produced something of a situation that occurred when Apple introduced the first iPhone and handset manufacturers Android massively incorporated into their devices would be repeated. A modern, free and created by a company which at that time did not develop hardware operating system.
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