Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The best features of Android that Google not … Marshmallow – Gizmodo in Spanish

The best features of Android that Google had not Marshmallow & # XED; to announced

Android Marshmallow is here. We saw for the first time in the Google I / O Google and even then showed us a bunch of great new features. Here are a few features that Google had not announced.


Marshmallow now Android is only available for certain devices Nexus. If you have not received the update, here’s how to update manually. For everyone else, you can take a look at our list of terminals that receive Marshmallow at some point.

A new and powerful tool to backup

 The best features of Android that Marshmallow Google had not & # XED; to announced

Google has always used the cloud to back up most of your personal information. But the big exception has always been the application data. If you uninstall an app or upgrading to a new device, you have to reconfigure your settings from scratch. Although Google takes time allowing developers to make security copies of optional Google Drive, now finally have developed a powerful new system backups .

What this means for you is that you should not need apps like Titanium Backup to your home screen again be as before. Of course, it comes with some limitations. For starters, backups will be up to 25 MB. That should cover things like your settings in the application, but not enough for the 5 GB of music you’ve downloaded, for example. Developers also have the option to disable backups for specific files or completely. That’s good, because there are certain apps or data that can not keep wanting default. However, it also means that there will be some things that have to be transferred manually.

The problem is that for now most developers do backups. To use the new system, developers have to specifically use the API level 23 (read “Android 6.0″ for the uninitiated), so those who have not updated their applications do not use the backups . Although it is a good system, do not expect short-term work. Still, most people still take a while to get Marshmallow, so you may see it running when your phone receives the update.

You can add and sort menu buttons Quick Settings

The best features of Android that Google had not Marshmallow & # XED; to announced

With Android Lollipop, Google revamped the menu quick adjustments so that, instead of showing a lot of options you do not need, leave the settings you use most often so intelligent. It is an interesting function, but also makes things difficult for you to find what you need from time to time. Android Marshmallow finally you can customize which buttons appear in Quick Settings.

This is a very useful feature of the new hidden menu System UI Tuner . To access it will have to slide down the shutter Quick Settings and then make a long press on the icon of the nut that is next to your profile image. You’ll then see a notice that says System Tuner UI has been added to the Settings application. Open it and you will see an option that puts Quick Settings. Here you can rearrange the shutter button.

Displays the battery percentage and hides bar icons

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Another of the great features of System Tuner UI is that you can now add an indicator of battery percentage in the status bar. For this opens the Tuner Settings and enable the option.

You can also use the System Tuner UI icons to hide the system tray. You can hide a bunch icons, including mobile data, WiFi, air, alarm, Bluetooth, and WiFi zone Not Disturb mode. In some cases it will be more useful than others, but if you’re running out of space up there can now clean up a bit.

Slide to the left to do a search for Voice

The best features Marshmallow Android that Google had not & # XED; to announced

In Android Lollipop Google added the option to swipe left on the lock screen to access the phone, reminding everyone that there are mobile. Apparently no one cared to make calls and now Google has changed this behavior. Now, when you slide to the left, you can perform a search by voice. This is probably more practical to open the phone application and prevent someone inadvertently call with pocket. Accidental searches however are on the rise.

Your phone will try the SD card and internal storage

 The best features of Android that Google had not Marshmallow & # XED; to announced

Google has spent years ignoring the existence of SD cards: Nexus device has no card slot from the Nexus S. In part this is because the cards become more difficult management files when you have multiple storage volumes. Android Marshmallow, Google fixes this problem by allowing users that the system treats the SD card as if they were internal storage.

This is especially important because Google has been putting increasingly difficult for developers the option of using the SD storage. Now you can let Android “adopt” your SD and treated with the same rules as apply to internal storage, which should give your applications much more flexibility in the way they use the added space. In other words, having an SD card and should not come in strange penalties.


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