Monday, October 5, 2015

The new BlackBerry smartphone will have Android –

The BlackBerry income fell to its lowest level in a decade in the last quarter, as it struggles to sell phones.

In a bid to boost sales of mobile phones, announced that the Canadian group Priv BlackBerry, your next smartphone, run the Android operating system. This is a major change for the company that until now sells devices that use their own software.

“This is the answer for BlackBerry users who miss the physical keyboard but want more applications,” said John Chen, its chief executive, who also suggested the company may give up your operating system and switch to Android.

Maynard Um, an analyst at Wells Fargo, said the launch of the new device will be a source of ” moderate growth “in the short term.

At its peak in 2008, BlackBerry representing one in five smartphone units sold, but subsequently suffered a loss of sales from competition from Apple and Samsung. Its share of global handset market fell to less than 1%, according to IDC data.

BlackBerry recognizes that revenues are approximately 800,000 devices in its fiscal second quarter, less than half of those sold in the same period last year.

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