Tuesday, October 6, 2015

These are the T-Mobile cell phones ready for Android 6.0 – CNET in Spanish

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T-Mobile has updated the list of devices in the future will receive Android 6.0 Marshmallow . . According to the US carrier reflects on its website, brands like HTC, LG and Samsung have already sealed agreements upgrade several computer models

The company says that the upgrade process consists of three stages: First, when the manufacturer is developing the update, the second is the T-Mobile test this update and the third phase is completed, and when the distribution is started.

Once the update reaches the stage completed, the phone will alert update, which will allow users to proceed with the installation of it. Updating the operators can not reach while that of free terminals, because when buy a phone without a contract the new version of the operating system should not be approved by the operator.

Nexus 5 Nexus Nexus 7 and 9 models, which have already completed phase, T-Mobile would currently undergoing testing Android 6.0 on the Nexus 6. Manufacturers like HTC will update the models HTC One HTC One M8 and M9, while LG will do the same with the LG G3, G4 and LG LG G Stylo.

Samsung is the company that has pending upgrade devices. They are in the process of interface development company that places a layer itself to Android 6.0. Among them are: Galaxy Note 4 Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy Note Edge, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy S6 Edge + and Galaxy Tab S2

Although not listed on the website. T-Mobile 12 Motorola devices will be updated to Android 6.0, he said the manufacturer, including devices last year as the Moto X (2014). Models of Sony, Huawei, OnePlus, Asus, Lenovo, and Xiaomi also receive the update. Check out this list of CNET in Spanish to read all the details about the update to Android 6.0 Marshmallow.


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